1987 - B.S., University of Notre Dame, Biochemistry
1999 - Ph.D., Dartmouth College, Biochemistry
My research interests include the desire to better understand how alterations of cellular signaling cascades contribute to the development of breast cancer.
My research background includes the study of one of the most versatile and potent growth-regulatory proteins, Transforming Growth Factor-b (TGF-b). My efforts have been directed at elucidation of the role of TGF-b signaling in tumor formation and progression to metastatic disease. In addition, these studies focused on identification of potential molecular mechanisms by which the TGF-b pathway influences cellular susceptibility to the cytotoxic effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, a cytokine produced by cells of the immune system.
My students are currently investigating the involvement of Src, an intracellular signaling protein, in the development of cancer. In a collaborative research effort with Prof. Robert Vallari and Prof. Andy Laudano of UNH, we are investigating how increased Src activity contributes to the transformation of normal cells to cancer cells. Students participating in these investigations gain hands-on experience with many current techniques in molecular and cellular biology, including gel electrophoresis, recombinant DNA technology, DNA isolation, western analysis, immunohistochemistry and tissue culture.