Women’s History Month 2025
“Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and Inspiring Generations”
International Women’s Day 2025 (Awareness Event)
Saturday, March 8
International Women's Day is celebrated annually on 8 March. It offers an opportunity to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
Women History Month Book Display at Geisel Library
During the whole month of March, Geisel Library will feature several books displays in celebration of Women's History Month. The main level will feature a display near the IT Help Desk, a display on the lower level in the juvenile collection will feature children's books, and an online display will feature eBooks. As with all our displays, you are welcome to check out any books that catch your eye!
Salary Negotiation Lunch and Learn
Thursday, March 6, 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Research shows that women are less likely to successfully negotiate a higher salary then men. This workshop with Salome from the CDC will provide helpful tips and tricks, and include some scenarios to act out. Light refreshments will be provided!
Sponsored by Intercultural Center and Career Development Center
Come Friday Forum: Does Gender coded language impact students?
Friday, March 7
12:30 p.m., Gregory J Grappone Humanities Institute
Sponsored by the Grappone Humanities Institute
Read Between the Lines
Monday March 10 4:30 p.m. – Geisel Reading Room, Geisel Library
Storytime in the Library! Join us for coffee, cocoa, snacks and stories. Staff and students will read folk stories about Women’s History to students. Blankets provided!
Sponsored by the Geisel Library and the Center for Intercultural Learning and Inclusion
Triumph Over Darkness; Reflections from a Rwandan Genocide Survivor
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 7:30, Melucci Theater
Marie-Christine Williams, author of “The Dark Side of Human Nature: The Rwandan Massacre of April – July 1994 A Personal Story”, will be speaking in the Melucci Theater.Strong in her Catholic Faith, Williams shares her experience as a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide to found the nonprofit “MCW Hope for Life” to raise awareness about similar issues.
Sponsored by Campus Ministry, SEAL, Conversatio, Center for Ethics in Society, Meelia Center, and the Sociology and Social Work Department.
National Equal Pay Day (Awareness Post)
Tuesday, March 25
We observe Equal Pay Day to raise awareness about the harmful wage gaps between men and women and demographic Equal Pay Days throughout the year to raise awareness about the harmful wage gaps faced by women of color as compared to their white non-Hispanic male counterparts.
Braiding Us Together: Hair Care and Women’s Sisterhood
Thursday, March 27 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Intercultural Center Lounge
An educational and informative activity for all people to learn how to take care of their hair, while celebrating different cultural hair styles. Throughout history women have bonded over doing their hair together. Come to Multi and experience a luxurious hair care experience while bonding with other women!
French braiding, curling, straightening, twists and cornrows will be discussed and taught! Snacks will be provided.
Sponsored by Intercultural Center and Women of Color
Drawing the Line: Race, Gender, Ethics, and The Arts
March 27-29, 2025 - On Campus Conference
Sponsored by Fine Arts Department, Center for Ethics in Society, Bean Distinguished Lecture Series, the Diversity and Inclusion Innovation Fund, the Alva de Mars Megan Chapel Art Center, and the Richard L. Bready Chair in Ethics, Economics, and the Common Good
A Night of Gratitude: Thanking the Women who Inspire Us
Monday March 31st – Lounge Area, Jean Student Center Basement – Time TBD
Storytime in the Library! Join us for coffee, cocoa, snacks and stories. Staff and students will read folk stories about Women’s History to students. Blankets provided! We observe Equal Pay Day to raise awareness about the harmful wage gaps between men and women and demographic Equal Pay Days throughout the year to raise awareness about the harmful wage gaps faced by women of color as compared to their white non-Hispanic male counterparts.
Honoring the theme of “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations”, we will be hosting a craft night. Come color pages and learn about pioneers in women’s history and equality, write letters and thank you cards for the mentors in your life, and enjoy snacks! Make friendship bracelets and vibe to great tunes.
Sponsored by Intercultural Center and Alpha Lambda Del
Campus Ministry Women’s Retreat
Saturday April 5 – Sunday April 6, St. Methodios Event Center
☞ Register Here for the Women's Retreat ☜
Sponsored by Campus Ministry