Summer Camps on the Hilltop

Saint Anselm College offers a variety of day and overnight summer camps aimed at a variety of interests. Run by top Saint Anselm professors and outside experts, students will be able to use Saint Anselm facilities and enjoy the beauty of the Hilltop during their time at our summer camps.


Saint Anselm Autonomous Drone Camp

An overnight camp for high school students interested in learning programming using autonomous aerial vehicles (drones). No programming experience is required, and all skill levels are welcome. Students will learn programming in Python and engage with topics such as the construction and operation of drones, the ethics of drones and modern technology, and an introduction to machine learning and AI. Professors from Saint Anselm College, current students, and outside experts will educate students on the emerging world of drones.


Athletics Camps

Saint Anselm Athletics offers a variety of clinics and overnight camps focusing on the development of technical skills, tactical training, full game play, and more! Both day and overnight camps are offered and are staffed by excellent Saint Anselm coaches and players.

Learn more and register