Purpose: The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Saint Anselm College works to ensure the humane care and use of animals in research and teaching, and ensures compliance with guidelines and regulations. The committee approves all activities, including research and breeding colonies, that involve the use of live vertebrate animals.

Committee Members: IACUC members include a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), at least one practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals, at least one member from a nonscientific background, and at least one public member to represent general community interests in the proper care and use of animals.

IACUC Chair: Elizabeth Greguske, Ph.D.

IACUC Veterinarian: Dr. Dominique Peel, DVM, Weare Animal Hospital

Institutional Official: Dean Mark W. Cronin, Ph.D.

Committee Meetings: The IACUC meets twice a year, once in November (Fall meeting) and a second time in May (Spring meeting).

Protocol Reviews: The IACUC evaluates scientific elements proposed in animal study protocols as they relate to the welfare and use of vertebrate animals in research and teaching. The Animal Study Protocol is a detailed description of the proposed use of research or teaching animals. The IACUC uses guidelines outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and Animal Welfare Regulations in their evaluation of whether a protocol is approved, approved with modifications, or rejected. IACUC members named in protocols or who have other conflicts will recuse themselves from decisions concerning decisions on animal study proposals. All Animal Study Protocols must be submitted by October 15th for consideration at the November meeting or by April 15th for consideration at the May meeting.

Alternative Search Guidelines:The PHS Policy and the USDA animal welfare regulations require research institutions to ensure that investigators have fully considered alternatives to procedures which may cause more than slight or momentary pain or distress in animals, consistent with sound research design. Federal regulations require:

  • A written narrative description of methods and sources used to search for alternatives to such procedures (category D and E procedures); 
  • A written assurance that animal activities proposed do not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments

Personnel Training: Investigators conducting any research that is externally sponsored (NSF, NIH, NH-INBRE, etc) or which involves animal subjects (regardless of funding status) must complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative's (CITI) Animal Care and Use module(s).

To complete the training, view the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative information (scroll to Compliance section), and follow the steps on the CITI Web site.

If you need assistance registering with the system or additional information, please contact Mary Mader, Director of Sponsored Programs and Research at mmader@anselm.edu or (603) 641-7174.

Reporting of Animal Welfare Concerns: Principal Investigators are asked to post contact information for reporting any animal welfare issues. Contact information should be posted outside room(s) housing animals and should include phone numbers and emails of i) the investigator, ii) Chair of the investigator's department, iii) Chair of the IACUC, iv) Dean of the College, and v) the Institutional Officer.

Any person having reason to question the humane or ethical treatment of animals should contact Elizabeth Greguske, Chair of the Institute of Animal Care and Use Committee at (603) 641-7156 or Mary Mader, Director of the Office of Sponsored Program and Research (603) 641-7174. The person reporting the concern is not required to provide his or her name. No threat or reprisal will be made against anyone reporting perceived mistreatment or non-compliance.

Small Fish Tanks in Offices: Personally owned small fish held in personally owned tanks in personal offices are under the discretion of the individual institute’s IACUC.  However, as these animals are not used in teaching or research, nor are purchased or housed using federal money, Saint Anselm College IACUC currently has no regulatory policy on small fish tanks held in personal offices.
