Energy Saving Tips


  • Computers should be set to sleep if they are not in use for 15 minutes or other reasonable time. Peripherals (scanners, printers, etc.) that are not constantly used should be only turned on when in use and computers should be turned off when you leave your room or office or at night. Monitors should also be turned off, even if they have a sleep setting. It does not hurt your computer to turn it on and off.
  • Everyone turn off lights and A/V equipment as they leave their room (office, class, dorm)--even those with auto on/off.
  • Be aware of how much power equipment uses. We will soon have borrowable Kill-A-Watt meters at the library. See how much power your appliances use! For electricity usage of typical appliances, see the following webpages:
  • Alliance to Save Energy
  • Vampire appliances use power even when they are off: TVs, stereos, DVD players, "sleeping" computers, cell phone chargers, computer peripherals, anything with unused timers or clocks, and motion sensors. If they are plugged into a power strip, you can cut off their power with one switch when you leave.
  • Replace the light bulbs in your lamps with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, which use 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last much longer.
  • Smart power strips can automatically turn off items that are not in use.
  • Faculty should turn off lights and projectors when leaving a room, and computers when not in use (or use sleep mode).
  • Departments should turn off printers and other shared equipment at night and over the weekends.
  • We will be developing policies about the kind of appliances allowable in dorm rooms and offices. Interested in helping form this policy? Contact us.


  • Keep your dorm windows closed during winter. See Residential Life and Education for information on how leaving your window open actually makes the room HOTTER!
  • Faculty should close windows upon leaving a classroom.
  • Turn down heat at night or over breaks.
  • Wash your laundry in cold water when possible, and don't do laundry until you have a full load.
  • Don't leave the hot water running in the sink while shaving, washing your face, washing the dishes, or cleaning the bathroom or kitchen.