ask bigger questions
Turn your curiosity into reality
There’s no reason to wait until graduate school to join faculty in their research. At Saint Anselm, students of all majors are researching, writing, performing, studying, and creating. The results of their work range from published papers to oil paintings to interactive poster projects, and are celebrated by the college through the annual S.O.A.R. Program.
full-time faculty
7,950.007 ,950
hours of research completed last year through NH biomedical grants
students presented research at annual poster session
Our faculty are invested in the student research experience, so any student who wants a research project can propose or find a project. While we may have you cleaning glassware in the beginning, you will quickly transition to your own project, working closely with faculty, discussing literature, analyzing data, and getting hands-on experience with all of the equipment and instrumentation needed for the success of your project.
Student Research Projects
transformative experiences
discover your future
Working one-on-one with faculty, you could be trained on equipment, terminology, and library resources, learning important skills and developing valuable relationships.
Real research leads you to wider opportunities and career paths. With the help of faculty who are experts in their field and dedicated to your success, you’ll get into the graduate school of your choice or land the job of your dreams.