Programs & Events

The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) plans a variety of events and programs to help faculty strengthen and diversify their teaching skills, to engage in interdisciplinary conversations, and to use assessment strategies to improve student learning.

Register for events

Welcome Back to the New Academic Year!

The Fr. Peter J. Guerin, O.S.B. Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) invites all full-time and part-time faculty members to participate in our Spring 2023 Programs.  

Write First Mondays!  Every Monday, Jan. 30 - May 15, 8-10:00am, Joseph Hall Center for Teaching Excellence

Seeking to keep your writing project on track?  Facing a looming writing deadline?  Research finds that the most prolific academic writers commit themselves to short, regular, morning writing sessions.  Consistency and accountability in a supportive environment also help form productive writing habits.  In our effort to support faculty research and writing, the CTE welcomes faculty writers each Monday morning for an hour (or less /more) anytime between 8:00-10:00. Kick start your week with your own writing, in silence and solidarity with your colleagues.  Coffee, tea, and snacks available!

Teaching Portfolio Workshop
Friday, February 17, 12:30-1:20 p.m., Joseph Hall 001

Going up for tenure or promotion in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024? The CTE and Faculty Senate are co-organizing a workshop on preparing your Teaching Portfolio for your tenure and promotion dossiers. Beginning Fall 2023, all candidates for tenure and promotion must include a Teaching Portfolio in their dossiers. Join us as we peer workshop ideas for the portfolio and work through its components. Bring your ideas, your drafts, your notes, or your in-process portfolios: we’re ready to work with you at any stage of the process. Questions? Email CTE Directors Dianna Terrell and Gilberto Ruiz (, or Senate President Sean Parr (

Please register using the link below.
2022-2023 CTE Registration

Restorative Teaching: An Immersive Learning Experience 
March 30, 10:30-12:00 p.m., Joseph Hall 001

This workshop, led by Bean Distinguished Lecturer Leaf Seligman, is designed to explain and explore embodied pedagogy that’s trauma-informed, healing-centered, rooted in relationship, and responsive to the cohort of post-pandemic digital native young adults. Leaf Seligman began teaching in 1985, mostly in college and university classrooms, but also in prisons, jails, and community settings. As a restorative practitioner, Leaf co-creates learning environments that honor the whole person, cultivating critical and compassionate thinking, authenticity, and embodied engagement.

New Faculty Orientation

The CTE helps to organize new faculty orientation series throughout the fall semester, and provides new faculty with additional teaching resources.

New Faculty Mentoring

This program pairs each new tenure-track or longer-term faculty member with one tenured faculty member from outside his or her department. The two are encouraged to meet at least once a month to discuss all aspects of being a faculty member at Saint Anselm College. Topics of discussion might include relocation issues, teaching strategies, campus culture, and the mission of the college. The resource person functions within a "community of support" which includes the Dean of the College, the new faculty member's department chair, and his or her departmental colleagues. If you are a tenured faculty member at Saint Anselm College and would like to participate in the program, please contact us at