The Saint Anselm College Statement on Inclusiveness, Statement on Inclusiveness and Sexual Orientation and Nondiscrimination Policy all highlight the institution's commitment to diversity and inclusion. However, transforming an institution requires more than words, good will, and good intentions.

The President's Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness is a dedicated group of faculty, staff and students who aid the Saint Anselm community in outlining and achieving its strategic, diversity goals. Beyond this committee, people across the college have been diligently working to support inclusive efforts. The addition of an inclusive component to the New Student Orientation Program, creation of a Sexual Orientation Task Force and assessment initiatives, such as the Campus Climate Survey, are important milestones on this journey.


President's Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness

The President's Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness will work closely with the president and the cabinet to foster and direct progress toward institution-wide inclusiveness.

Its charge will include, but will not be limited to, the following:

  • Maintain the institutional focus on inclusiveness as a high priority goal.
  • Coordinate campus climate assessment.
  • Regularly monitor and report on institutional progress toward inclusiveness goals.
  • Plan and oversee institution-wide education and training on inclusiveness.
  • Initiate specific proposals to the president regarding inclusiveness.
  • Assist the college to maintain ongoing communication with all its constituencies regarding progress toward inclusiveness.
  • Assist the College in formulating strategies to identify, recruit, and retain an inclusive, multi-cultural, and diverse student body.

Saint Anselm College Climate Assessment Project

The first Campus Climate Assessment was conducted in 2007. Since that time, assessments have been completed in 2012, 2016 and 2020. The assessments measured specifically four areas among students, faculty and staff at Saint Anselm College: their attitudes and behaviors toward multiculturalism; the campus climate for diversity; the experiences of diverse subgroups; and how well Saint Anselm College has achieved a welcoming environment. The 2012 assessment indicates significant advances among students, faculty, and staff toward greater awareness and tolerance of diversity, as well as more desire for a welcome, inclusive environment and more sense that the college had made progress in that direction.

The hallmark of inclusiveness is open and honest dialogue. All members of the college community are encouraged to read the report, discuss it, and to communicate their thoughts, concerns, and recommendations to the members of the President's Steering Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness, or to send an e-mail to Stephanie Fernandez, Chair of the Steering Committee.

The full report is available on the College Portal, MyAnselm. Once you log on, you can access the report in the Inclusiveness section of the portal.