Saint Anselm College offers holistic, individualized, student-centered academic advising resources for all students. Students who enter as “Exploratory” majors are advised by a member of the Exploratory Advising Team, assigned the summer before a student’s first year at the College. These advisors assist students in exploring their skills, interests, and values and discerning potential majors, minors, academic programs, and careers which may be a good fit for them.
The Exploratory Advising Team is comprised of members of the faculty and administration of the College knowledgeable about the issues and concerns of students who have not yet selected a major. Students are encouraged to build strong relationships with their academic advisor and to ask questions, map out their academic pathway, and explore experiences in and outside the classroom, including internships, international education, research experiences, and graduate/career advising.
Students who have declared a major are assigned a faculty member through their academic department, generally by the department chairperson in concert with the Office of Academic Advisement. Students pursuing multiple majors will be assigned an advisor in each discipline.
In addition to guidance and support provided by a student’s major/Exploratory advisor(s), students are encouraged to visit the Office of Academic Advisement or consult their Class Dean with academic questions and concerns.
Current students are encouraged to consult the Advising Resource site available on Canvas.