The Controllers office is responsible for numerous business functions that support the College and its mission. Those functions are Accounting, Financial Services, and Procurement.

Erica Dobler: Controller

Accounting and Financial Reporting

Staff are responsible for the recording and safekeeping of the College's endowment, investment, and cash assets; along with other daily, monthly, quarterly and annual accounting functions. Accounting is also responsible for all internal and external financial reporting, tax and regulatory filings.

Jen Ellsworth: Accounting Manager

Kathleen Lavoie: Staff Accountant 

Financial Services

Accounts Payable is responsible for processing vendor invoices and generating payments for goods and services received by the College.

Carol Vachon: Accounts Payable Specialist

Cashier's Office is responsible for processing all College deposits, reimbursements and cash advances. Call (603) 641-7106 with questions.

Payroll is responsible for all employee pay-related functions.

Nancy Ingerowski: Payroll and Accounts Payable Coordinator

Student Financial Services is responsible for the billing and collection of student tuition & fees as well as posting of student financial assistance, outside scholarships, and all payments on student accounts.

Cherilyn Bright: Account Receivable Specialist I

Gail Rhames: Account Receivable Specialist II