These pillars serve as guideposts for the plan over the next four years.
Academic Innovation
While maintaining high academic standards in teaching and learning, research and study, Saint Anselm College will create an environment that fosters innovation and drives change.
Key Phase I goals:
- Appoint presidential Nursing Commission
- Launch an approved M.Ed.
- Launch interdisciplinary high market demand undergraduate programs
Transformative Learning and Career Preparation
Saint Anselm College pledges to create and promote an engaged learning journey that integrates students’ academic learning and individual development and formation to help prepare students for life and career.
Key Phase I goals:
- Develop plan to guarantee every student has one or more high impact co-curricular experience integrated with their academic program
- Track and communicate student outcomes
Saint Anselm College will develop transformative alliances with institutions, businesses, and organizations both on and off campus with the intent to creatively achieve mutually beneficial goals, extend the positive brand of the college, and utilize curricular and co-curricular resources to expand experiential learning and facilitate employment opportunities for students.
Key Phase I goals:
- Secure new non-tuition revenue streams
- Secure partnerships with CMC and other local organizations
Access and Inclusion
Saint Anselm College will: provide experiential learning to foster a deeper and holistic knowledge that celebrates diversity, advocates for equity, and prioritizes justice; address visible and invisible barriers to underrepresented groups’ access, inclusion and success; and grow the admission and retention of students, faculty, and staff of diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions, and demographics.
Key Phase I goals:
- Remove enrollment barriers for under-represented students
- Continue to grow the Ernie Thorne ’34 scholarship fund and other scholarships to make a Saint Anselm education more accessible
- Develop Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Action Plan and begin implementation of plan.
Saint Anselm College will ensure the viability of this plan and enable optimum achievement of the strategic pillars by leveraging the institution’s financial resources, physical assets, and human capital.
Key Phase I goals:
- Complete campaign for Grappone Humanities Institute
- Launch a comprehensive enrollment and marketing plan
- Complete a facility audit of academic, residential, athletic and dining services