- Ph.D. 1984. The University of Southern Mississippi. Psychology.
Dr. Paul Finn is a licensed Psychologist in New Hampshire with specific expertise in Health Psychology and Neuropsychology. In addition he has over 30+ years as Professor and 15+ years as an NCAA DII varsity coach of both men and women and is US Track and Field level I and II distance certified. His clinical history combined with years and coaching integrated well into research with upper level undergraduates in these topic areas. Dr. Finn currently serves as faculty advisor for the Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology where he is recipient of their National Faculty Advisor Award.. He serves as director of the Sports Studies interdisciplinary minor and teaches Sports and Exercise Psychology in addition research, clinical, intro and statistics classes. Dr. Finn regularly mentors students' research as part of the IdEA Network of Biomedical Excellence (INBRE) program, which includes advising students full-time during the summer months and preparing students for presentation at regional and national conferences. He is currently Chair of Psychology.