- B.A., 1992, Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima (Perú), Theology
- M.A., 1998, Catholic Theological Union, Theology (Old Testament)
- Th.M., 1999, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Old and New Testaments
- M.L.A., 2006, The University of Chicago, Liberal Arts
- Ph.D., 2008, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- TH100: Biblical Theology
- TH 102: The Pentateuch
- TH 103: The Prophets
- TH 369: Wisdom Literature
- TH 369: The Biblical Concept of Peace (see video at http://vimeo.com/14587799)
- TH401-Honors: Women in the Old Testament
My research focuses on the intersection of gender and culture/ethnicity/race in the interpretation of the Bible. Areas that informed my analysis include Biblical Hermeneutics, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Latina Studies, Cultural Studies, Ethnicity and Race.
I am also a member of the editorial board of a multi-volume biblical commentary project. Please watch this video and visit the website for more information.
Daughters of Wisdom: Women’s Leadership in the Global Church. Edited by Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski. Studies in World Catholicism Series; Portland, OR: Wipf and Stock, forthcoming.
“What Do Prophets Have to Say about Poisoned Water? A Latina Reflection on Racial Ecojustice in the Flint Water Crisis.” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 24 (2022): 37-63.
“Hagar and the Well in the Wilderness (Genesis 21:1-9).” In Reading Biblical Texts Together: Pursuing Minoritized Biblical Criticism. Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2022. 79-89 and 138-140.
“Lamentations.” In The Jerome Biblical Commentary of the Twenty-First Century: Third Fully Revised Edition. Edited by John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid, and Donald Senior. New York: T & T Clark, 2022. Foreword by Pope Francis. 941-952. Available online at https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/jerome-biblical-commentary-for-the-twentyfirst-century-9781474281485
“Los Estudios de Género, la Investigación Feminista y la Perspectiva Latino/a/x en la Hermenéutica Bíblica en los Estados Unidos.” In 80 Años de Exégesis Bíblica en América Latina. Edited by Eleuterio R. Ruiz. Estella (Navarra), Spain: Editorial Verbo Divino, forthcoming.
Edited two volumes in the Wisdom Commentary Series:
Park, Suzie Song. 2 Kings. Edited by Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski and Barbara Reid. Wisdom Commentary Series; Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2019.
Garcia-Bachmann, Mercedes. Judges. Edited by Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski and Barbara Reid. Wisdom Commentary Series; Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2018.
“Gendering Immigration in the Pentateuch: A Reading from a Latina Perspective.” In Latinx, the Bible, and Migration. Edited by Jacqueline Hidalgo and Efraín Agosto. The Bible and Cultural Studies Series; London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2018. 43-66.
“Online Teaching and Biblical Studies.” Teaching Theology & Religion 21 (2018): 120-137.
“A Latina Biblical Critic and Intellectual: At the Intersection of Ethnicity, Gender, Hermeneutics, and Faith.” In Latino/a Biblical Hermeneutics: Problematics, Objectives, Strategies. Edited by Francisco Lozada and Fernando F. Segovia. Semeia Studies; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014. 231-248.
By Bread Alone: Reading the Bible Through the Eyes of the Hungry. Edited by Sheila McGinn, Lai Ling Ngan, and Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.
Pentateuco. Introducción al Antiguo Testamento/La Biblia Hebrea en Perspectiva Latinoamericana. Edited by Alejandro F. Botta and Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski. Estella (Navarra): Editorial Verbo Divino, 2014.
http://www.verbodivino.es/web/folletos%20novedades/NOVEDADES%202%C2%BA%20Semestre%202014.pdf (see page 7)
"A Study of the References to BaT-'ammî in Jer 8:18-9:2(3): A Gendered Lamentation." In Why? ... How Long? Studies on Voice(s) of Lamentation Rooted in Biblical Hebrew Poetry. Edited by LeAnn Snow Flesher, Carol J. Dempsey, and Mark J. Boda. New York and London: T & T Clark International, 2013. 20-35.
"The Past and Future of Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics." Biblical Theology Bulletin 41 (2011): 16-23.