Ph.D, Marketing
Desautels Faculty of Management
McGill University, Canada
Marketing Principles
Marketing Research
Consumer Behavior
Brand Management
International Marketing
Marketing Communication
Brand Equity, Pro-social Marketing, Visual Perception and Consumer Behavior, Emotion (According to the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) statistics by Sept 21, 2018, Professor Rong Huang is in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.)
Guo, S., Jiang, L., Huang, R., Ye, W., & Zhou, X. (2018). Inspiring awe in consumers: Relevance, triggers, and consequences. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
Shenyu Li, Rong Huang, Hong Yuan and Qiong Zhou (2018) , “Optimising the effectiveness of container packaging design: How shape influences customer proportion judgments”
Applied Marketing Analytics, 4(1), 79-92.
Ertz, Myriam, Rong Huang, Myung-Soo Jo, Fahri Karakas and Emine Sarigöllü (forthcoming) “From single-use to multi-use: Study of consumers' behavior toward consumption of reusable containers”, Journal of Environmental Management
Ye, Weiling, Rong Huang, and Yuqian Chang (2017), “Impact Product Display Order on Product Evaluation”, Journal of Marketing Science.
Shenyu Li, Rong Huang and Siva K. Balasubramanian (2016). “Country of Market Effect,” Innovative Marketing, 12(1), 7-14
Huang, Rong. and Emine Sarigollu, (2014), “Assessment of Brand Equity Measures”, International Journal of Market Research, 56(6), 783-806.
Huang, Rong and Emine Sarigollu (2012), “How Brand Awareness Relates to Market Outcome, Brand Equity, and the Marketing Mix”, Journal of Business Research (65),92-97.
Huang, Rong. and Emine Sarigollu(2008), “Assessing Satisfaction with Core and Secondary Attributes”, Journal of Business Research, 61 (September): 942-949.
Huang, Rong and Emine Sarigollu (2007) “Benefit Segmentation of Tourists to the Caribbean”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20(2): 67-83.
Sarigollu, Emine and Rong Huang (2005). "Benefits Segmentation of Visitors to Latin America." Journal of Travel Research, 43(3): 277-293.