- 1978 - B.A., Saint Anselm College
- 1981 - M.B.A., University of Notre Dame
Certified Public Accountant
I have 35+ years of industry experience, with the majority in the international field. I have been very lucky to have worked around the world with a wide variety of talented people in most functional areas which, allows me to incorporate many business principles into the courses taught at Saint Anselm.
The Economics & Business Department has a great track record in placing students into many areas of the business and non-profit worlds thanks to the foundation provided by Art & Jeanne Kenison, John Romps, Tom Moses, and David St. Cyr, among others. The current faculty continues to build upon that foundation.
We have graduated a large number of Certified Public Accountants who have succeeded in national, regional and local firms. For our students who wish to work in corporate accounting or other functional areas or financial services, they are well trained to serve in a variety of roles reaching well beyond the accounting function. We are proud of the fact that the last seven Saint Anselm graduates hired into corporate leadership Development Programs have been six Accounting majors and an Accounting minor (History major).
I work during the summers and breaks with Richard Ellis and Associates ("REA") which specializes in licensee auditing and royalty management serving more than 70 licensors in over 30 countries. This affords me the ability to work with a wide variety of companies and meet some outstanding people, who have had the vision to create successful companies and, in many cases, share their stories in the classroom. In addition, it is nice to see that the vast majority of them share the ethical principles the College does its best to instill in our students in many courses.