Max Latona
Professor & Executive Director of Partnerships
Ph.D., Boston College
- Presocratic philosophy
- The role of myth in Plato's dialogues
- Comparative Philosophy (Ancient Greece and India)
- A variety of ethical issues
- Ancient Philosophy
- Ethics
- Great Books Seminars
- Eastern Philosophy
- Contemporary Phenomenology
- Philosophy of Language
- Human Nature Seminar (PH 105)
- Ethics Seminar (PH 107)
- Philosophy Seminar: Philosophies of India
- Philosophy Seminar: Greece and India
- Ancient Philosophy (PH 211)
- GBS I: The Ancient World (PH 271)
- Paris-New York between the Wars
- Ethics: Why be moral? Why be good?
- Philosophy Seminar: Aristotle
- Philosophy Seminar: Heidegger
2019 Max J. Latona, “Commentary on Schindler,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Vol. XXXIV, edited by Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., and Daniel P. Maher (Boston: Brill, 2019) 109-117.
2013 Crowe, Frederick E., and Max J. Latona. "Intuition." New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-2013: Ethics and Philosophy, edited by Robert L. Fastiggi, vol. 2 (New York: Gale, 2013) pp. 799-804.
2011 Max J. Latona, “Remembering Ancient Truths: The Four Roots of Plato’s Recollection,” Who are We? Old, New, and Timeless Answers from Core Texts: Selected Papers from the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses, edited by Robert D. Anderson, Molly Brigid Flynn, and J. Scott Lee (New York: University Press of America, 2011) 211-17.
2008 Max J. Latona, “Reining in the Passions: the Allegorical Interpretation of Parmenides B Fr. 1,” American Journal of Philology 129.2 (2008) 199-230.
2004 Max J. Latona, "New Technologies, Old Distinctions: What's Wrong with Cloning," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 78 (2004) 276-88. (Essay merited the 2004 American Catholic Philosophical Association Young Scholar Award.)
2004 Max J. Latona, "The Tale is Not My Own: Myth and Recollection in Plato," Apeiron: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 37.2 (2004), 181-210.
2001 Max J. Latona, "Selfhood and Agency in Ricoeur and Aristotle," Philosophy Today 45.2 (2001), 107-20.
In progress: “Myths of Self-Transformation in Plato’s Republic”
Executive Director of the Center for Ethics in Society at Saint Anselm College
For more information about the Center, visit www.anselm.edu/ethics
I am a student of yoga, and an avid chess player, skier, and fan of professional football and soccer (the real football).