B.S., Marine Biology: California State University, Long Beach
Ph.D., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology: University of Connecticut
Animal Behavior, Biostatistics, Directed Research, Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology and Field Studies in Tropical Biology.
Animal Behavior (BI335, LB 335 [WRIT]) ![]() This course is an introduction to the basic principles underlying the behavior of animals. Students will gain an understanding of the mechanisms and evolutionary causes that drive behaviors observed in all types of animals (insects, fish, birds, and mammals). Upon completing this course, students will have acquired experiences in observing and recording animal behaviors through laboratory and field-based studies. Currently, field-based studies take place at a local zoo where each student completes a semester-long research project. This course also emphasizes components of and effective strategies for scientific writing.
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Biostatistics (BI345) ![]() An introduction to the fundamentals of statistics and the application of statistical analyses in biological research. Sampling, parametric and non-parametric techniques and the presentation of data are also covered. Assignments involve spreadsheet calculations and use of statistical software. Required for Biology and Environmental Science majors. Note: the number of enrolled Biology Department majors will be limited to 20 students. Fall semester | |
Directed Research (BI421 / BI422; BI 423) ![]() For more information about projects and opportunities, see LaPlante Lab: Research and People below. Fall, Spring semesters | |
Evolutionary Biology (BI325, LB325 [WRIT]) ![]() This course focuses on topics at the microevolutionary level such as the agents of evolutionary change leading to speciation and isolating mechanisms between species. It also addresses macroevolution, history of life on earth, systematics, and biogeography. Every other spring semester: lecture and lab | |
Marine Biology (BI 321, LB 321) An introduction to the function, diversity, and ecology of marine organisms and their environment. The course will cover major groups of marine organisms, marine ecosystems (benthic, seagrasses, reefs, etc.), and human interaction with the marine environment. | |
Tropical Biology (BI221) and Field Studies in Tropical Biology (BI222): [GLOB] ![]() This two-semester sequence runs every other year. Combined, the two courses introduce students to the biological complexity of the tropics through lectures, discussions, and participatory field experiences at tropical locations in the ecologically diverse Central American country of Belize. During spring semester students learn about the natural history of tropical biota, patterns of species diversity, rainforest ecology and conservation, coral reef ecology, and Belizean culture and history. During summer session, Saint Anselm faculty and local experts will lead field trips and hands-on exercises in two of the most species-rich ecosystems on the planet, the neo tropical rainforest and the coral reef.
BI 221 + BI 222: open to all majors; counts as a biology lab course. BI221 (2 credits) every other spring BI222 (2 credits) every other summer |
LaPlante Lab: Research and People

Students in my lab have general interests in the ecology, evolution, and behavior of animals. I am primarily interested in how mating signals evolve, particularly those in fish. My lab is currently investigating mating and dominance behavior in the dwarf Ram cichlid, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, and using computer animated fish models as stimuli in behavior studies.
We are also examining the behavior of captive clownfish (Amphiprion sp.) using video from a live webcam we installed at the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH.
Active research Projects:
- Mate choice and dominance behavior in Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the German Blue Ram
- Using computer animated fish as stimuli in behavior studies
- Behavior of captive clownfish (Amphiprion sp.)
Past research projects:
- Effect of dietary carotenoids on immune response and growth in the German Blue Ram, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi (NH-INBRE funded)
- Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-based mate choice in Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), a freshwater sunfish
- Seasonality of male mate choice in Pumpkinseed
- Mating preferences in two phenotypes of red-backed salamander
- Defense strategies of a nudibranch against a fish predator (with Prof. Penney)
- Impacts of vessel traffic on haul out behavior of harbor and grey seals in the southern Gulf of Maine
- The evolution of mating signals in a tropical coral reef fish
- Annual fecundity of tautog in Long Island Sound.
For more information on these projects click on What research opportunities are there? (below).
As a student in my lab, you may work on any of the following studies:
- Mate choice and dominance behavior in Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the German Blue Ram
- Using computer animated fish as stimuli in behavior studies
- Effects of a carotenoid-enhanced diet on ornamentation in Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the German Blue Ram (NH-INBRE funded)
If I am interested in doing research, what steps should I take?
- Enroll in Directed Research (BI 421/BI 422/BI 423): You would enroll in either a two-semester directed research program (BI 421-422, 4 credits) or a one semester intensive research study (BI 423, 4 credits). Either option counts as a biology lab course. For both options you would be expected to commit the same amount of time as any other 4 credit course. This option is available during the academic year and summer. > See How do I get paid for research? (below) for opportunities to earn student salary on top of course credit.
- Apply to be a Student Research Assistant: You may assist on any of the ongoing research projects in the lab, preferably one that falls in your area of interest. Student research assistants may work during the academic year or during summer. > See How do I get paid to do research? (below) for opportunities to earn student salary.
Here are student funding opportunities for the academic year:
- NH-INBRE Research Support and Training Grant (RSTG): This grant covers your salary and expenses. You may apply to work up to 10 hours per week on your own research project, under my supervision. Applications are generally due in September.
- Undergraduate Research Fellowship: This fellowship covers your salary and expenses for research and conferences. You may apply to work up to 10 hours per week on your own research project, under my supervision. Applications are generally due at the beginning of fall and spring semesters.
Here are student funding opportunities for summer:
- NH-INBRE Summer Biomedical Research Grant: This grant covers your salary, on-campus housing, and expenses. Under this grant you will be expected to work up to 40 hours per week over a 10-week period. During this period, you would work on your own research project, under my supervision. Students are expected to present their research at the NH-INBRE Annual Meeting, which is usually held in August. Applications for the Summer Grant are generally due in February.
- Honors Summer Research Fellowship: This fellowship provides a stipend and on-campus housing. Under this fellowship you are expected to work 40 hours per week over an 8-week period. During this period, you would work on your own research project, under my supervision. Students are expected to submit a research report (due in October) and give a formal presentation of their research findings (e.g. at Family Weekend). Applications are generally due in February.
| Megan Lalonde (Natural Sciences, '19): Isabelle Harvey (Biology, '21):
Research Project: "Investigating immunological benefits of a carotenoid-enhanced diet in Mikrogeophagus ramirezi" Funded by a NH-INBRE Seed Grant |
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| Jordan Veneri (Biology, '19): Nursing Assistant at Broad Reach Healthcare (MA) Caroline Cardosa (Biology, '20): Physician Assistant program Josephine Roy (Biology, '20): Research Project: "The effect of a carotenoid-enhanced diet on growth and ornamentation in Mikrogeophagus ramirezi" Funded by NH-INBRE |
![]() | Emily Falanga (Biology, '20): Physician Assistant program Summer Research Project: "Characterization and identification of carotenoids in freshwater fishes" Project funded by NH-INBRE Summer Biomedical Research Grant |
![]() | Nicole DeRoche (Environmental Science, '18): MS student, studying bats at California State University Fresno Research Project: "Allograft-rejection response of fish scales: a method for testing adaptive immunity in a freshwater fish" |
![]() | Samantha Delaney (Biology, '19): M.Ed student at University of Notre Dame
![]() | Kendra Bonczar (Natural Sciences, '17): Marketing and Operationals Associate at TechTarget Directed Research Project: "Investigating female preference for colored male features in Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)" |
![]() | Karolyn Bristol (Biology, '15): Dog musher in Alaska Eugenia Fandunyan (Biology, '16): Senior Research Associate at Homology Medicines Andrew Beliveau (Biology, '17): Manufacturing Associate at Lonza Dr. Brian Salvie, DMD (Biology, '16): Graduated Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Nick Kuttner (Biology, '17) Zabrina Marino (Biology, '17) Project funded by NH-INBRE RSTG grant |
![]() | Taylor O'Donnell (Natural Sciences, '13): Project manager at Alliance Foundation Trials, LLC
![]() | Kelsey Dakoulas (Natural Sciences,'12): Technical Solutions Consultant at athenahealth
![]() | Sara Sterling (Environmental Sciences '12): Teaching at Hopkington Middle School Studied: Mating preferences of female Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) |
![]() | Samantha Hetzel, DPT (Biology '12): Doctor of Physical Therapy, Elliot Hospital
Senior Research Project: "Effect of captivity on locomotor behaviors of Emperor Tamarins" |
![]() | Sarah (Duffy) Scagliarini, (Environmental Sciences '12): Technical Specialist at Woodard & Curran
![]() | Jeffrey Czaplinski (Biology,'10): Clinical Research Coordinator Experimental Therapeutics Program at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Senior Research Project: "Plethodon cinereus chemodection structures vary dorsoventrally and seasonally"
![]() | Jodi Desroches (Chemistry '10): Clinical Site Manager at Parexel |
![]() ![]() | Dr. Erin Forbes, DVM (Biology, '10): Veterinarian at Mountain View Animal Hospital (VT)
Colleen Weathers (Natural Sciences, '10): Academic Advisor at University of West Florida
Senior Research Project (with Forbes): "Male striped salamanders prefer female striped salamanders" |
![]() | Dr. Soleil Bacque, DVM (Biology, '09): Veterinarian at Crossroads Veterinary Clinic (NY)
![]() | John Gould (Biology, '09) |
![]() | Jamie (Panunzio) O'Brien (Biology '09): Biologist at Normandeau Associates, Inc
![]() | Christie Usher (Environmental Science, '09): Research Scientist at Battelle |