- B.A., 1977, University of Connecticut, Philosophy
- M.A., 1979, Fordham University, Philosophy
- Ph.D., 1984, Marquette University, Catholic Systematic Theology
My studies involve an integrative analysis of Catholic doctrine. Most recently that work has centered on the doctrines of creation and original sin.
Having conducted my doctoral training primarily in the area of systematic theology, I have been concerned with a sustained reflection on the content of Catholic teaching and with the construction of an intellectual framework for the understanding of that teaching, a framework that is shaped by both Church teaching and its scriptural source. Part of that undertaking has been the effort to formulate a metaphysics that is adequate to the explication of Catholic doctrine; and to that end, since 2002 under the auspices of the Institute for Saint Anselm Studies I have hosted a series of workshops, meeting in June, that discuss issues of mutual importance to philosophers and theologians. Find further information on this program.
Divine Promise and Human Freedom in Contemporary Catholic Thought, Lexington Books: 2015.
"Saint Anselm and the Augustinian Doctrine of the Human Person as Imago Dei," The Saint Anselm Journal, 10.1 (Fall 2014).
"Nature, Grace and the Eucharistic Foundation of Fides et Ratio," The Saint Anselm Journal, 7.1 (Fall 2009)
"On the Idea of a Covenantal Morality," The Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II, No. 39 (2008): 51-82.
"Monogenism and Polygenism," and "Supplement" to the entry "Original Sin," in New CatholicEncyclopedia, 2003.
"Man and Woman at the Moment of Creation: A Covenantal Study of the First Sin," Communio 29 (Fall 2002): 506-23.
"Karl Rahner and the Theology of Human Origins," The Thomist, 66 (October 2002): 499-517.
"The Christological Turn in Recent Literature on Original Sin," TheThomist 66 (April 2002): 201-29.