- B.A., 2003, Boston College (Theology, English)
- M.T.S., 2005, Harvard Divinity School (Scripture and Interpretation)
Ph.D., 2013, Emory University (New Testament)
- TH 100 Biblical Theology
- TH 108 Introduction to the New Testament
- TH 110 The Gospels
- TH 115 Writings of Saint Paul
- TH 199 Special Topics in Biblical Literacy
- TH 398 The "Other" Gospels (online winter session course)
My research has two broad components. First, I study the New Testament writings and other early Christian literature in light of Second Temple Judaism and life under the Roman Empire, focusing especially on the Gospel of John and how this gospel intersects with social, economic, religious, and political realities faced by Christians in the first and early second centuries. My second area of focus is biblical interpretation through analytical approaches that foreground the experiences, social concerns, and identities of readers today, especially from minoritized perspectives and Latinx perspectives in particular.
“Matthew: Negotiating Tradition and Identity in Matthean and Latinx Contexts,” in Latinx Perspectives on the New Testament, ed. Osvaldo D. Vena and Leticia Guardiola-Sáenz (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022), 11-32.
“Why Is Pilate So Afraid in John 19:8? Pilate’s Fear and the Dynamics of Power in John 18:28-19:16,” in Narrative Mode and Theological Claim in Johannine Literature: Essays in Honor of Gail R. O’Day, ed. Lynn R. Huber, Susan E. Hylen, and William M. Wright IV (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2021), 39-63.
“Commentary 1: Connecting the Reading with Scripture” for “All Saints: John 11:32-44,” “Proper 26: Mark 12:28-34,” and “Proper 27: Mark 12:38-44,” in Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship. Year B, Volume 3 (Season after Pentecost), ed. Joel B. Green, Thomas G. Long, Luke A. Powery, Cynthia L. Rigby, and Carolyn J. Sharp (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2021),” 435-37, 451-53, 468-70.
“‘Out of Egypt I Called My Son’: Migration as a Male Activity in the New Testament Gospels,” in Latinxs, the Bible, and Migration, ed. Efraín Agosto and Jacqueline M. Hidalgo (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 89-107.
"Examining the Role of the Reader: A Necessary Task for Catholic Biblical Interpretation." Horizons 44.1 (June 2017): 28-55.