Ph.D., Brown University
Philosophy of Franz Brentano (1838-1917); metaphysics; ethics; natural theology
- Human Nature Seminar (PH 105)
- Ethics Seminar (PH 107)
- Modern Philosophy (PH 213)
- Contemporary Philosophy (PH 214)
- Philosophy of God (PH 326)
- Aesthetics (PH 336)
“Brentano on Kant’s Transcendental Idealism,” in Proceedings of the Brentano Conference in Graz, Austria, 2017, The Philosophy of Brentano: Contributions from the Second International Conference (Graz 1977 & 2017), In Memory of Rudolf Haller, Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, Vol. 49, eds. Mauro Antonelli and Thomas Binder (Brill, 2021), 50-70.
“Brentano on Darwin II: Science,” Brentano Studien XVI, 2018, 163-175.
“Brentano on Darwin I: Teleology,” Brentano Studien XV/1, 2017, 361-372.
“Could Philosophy be an Empirical Science? Brentano vs. Wittgenstein,” in Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, forthcoming.
“The Influence of Leibniz on Brentano’s Theodicy,” in Husserl and Leibniz: Metaphysics, Monadology, and Phenomenology, eds. Iulian Apostolescu and Mohammed Shafiei forthcoming, Springer.
“Can We Have Scientific Knowledge About God? Brentano on Comte’s Metaphysical Skepticism,” forthcoming DeGruyter.
Although I loved teaching, for 35 years, I am now happily involved in research.
Music -- I play the flute.