Laura Wasielewski
Professor, Director of Undergraduate TEP, and Director of Special Education Graduate Program (M.Ed.)
- B.S. - Special Education and Elementary Education, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA
- M.Ed. - Special Education, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
- Ed.D. - Higher Education and Educational Leadership, Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL
- Clinical practice and partnerships in educator preparation
- Post-secondary education for students with disabilities
- Post-secondary inclusion and resources for individuals with disabilities
- Director of Graduate Special Education Program, 2022-present
- Faculty member, Saint Anselm College, 2002 - present
- Education Department Chair, Saint Anselm College, 2006 - 2018
- Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education, Saint Anselm College, 2006 - present
- Faculty member, Notre Dame College, 1996 - 2002
- Special Educator and Behavioral Consultant, 1983 - 1996
Demers, K.E. & Wasielewski, L.M. (in press, 2024). Disrupting the dis/ability complex in US teacher education programs. Minority Reports: Cultural Disability Studies.
Bohannon, K., Connelly, V., Bigaj, S., & Wasielewski, L.M. (2024). Development and evolution of clinical partnerships: Perspectives of K-12 leaders. School University Partnerships. Advance Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1108/SUP-02-2023-0014
Wasielewski, L.M., Birch, M., Bigaj, S., & Connelly, V. (2021). From placements to partnerships: The state of clinical practice and preparation. Peabody Journal of Education 96(1), 43-53. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2020.1864245
Connelly, V., Wasielewski, L.M., Bigaj, S. & Birch, M. (2021). Statewide perspectives on developing and sustaining partnerships for clinical experiences in teaching. Book Chapter in Jenlink, P. M. (Ed.) Teaching as a Clinical Practice Profession: Research on Clinical Practice and Experience in Teacher Preparation. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.
Terrell, D.G., & Wasielewski, L.M., (Fall, 2018). Making connections: Working in a PDS partnership to establish and execute a research agenda. School-University Partnerships: The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, 11 (2), 1-8
Wasielewski, L.M., (September, 2016). Academic performance for students with disabilities in higher education. Journal of Catholic Education, 20 (1), 4-31
Wasielewski, L.M., & Terrell, D.G.,(2014). What's Next?: Beyond the basics of a Partnership. School-University Partnerships. The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, 7 (2), 48-61
Demers, K.E. & Wasielewski, L.M., (2024, March). Disrupting the dis/ability complex in US teacher education programs. Paper presentation at the Critical Questions in Education annual conference, New Orleans, LA.
Wasielewski, L.M., (2023, March). Development and evolution of clinical partnerships: K-12 school leaders’ perspectives. Paper presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schools annual conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Bohannon, K., Bigaj, S. & Wasielewski, L.M., (2023, April). Development and evolution of clinical partnerships: K-12 school leaders’ perspectives. Paper presentation at the American Education Research Association annual conference, Chicago, IL.
Connelly, V., Wasielewski, L.M., Bohannon, K., & Bigaj, S. (2022, February). Development and evolution of clinical partnerships: K-12 school leaders’ perspectives. Research in progress presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schools annual conference, Chicago, IL.
Bigaj, S. & Wasielewski, L.M., (2021, March). It’s all about the Relationship: Critical partnerships between educator preparation programs and p-12 schools. Research in progress presentation at the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) annual (virtual) conference.
Wasielewski, L.M., (2019, October). Turning 21 - the transition to adulthood: Experiences of three individuals with disabilities and their families. Paper presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Division of Career Development and Transition annual international conference, Seattle, WA.
Wasielewski, L.M., Birch, M., & Connelly, V. (2019, April). The Nature of Institutions of Higher Education-School Partnerships: A Deeper Dive. Research in progress round table presentation at New England Educational Research Organization annual conference, Portsmouth, NH.
Wasielewski, L.M., Birch, M., & Connelly, V. (2019, April). From placements to partnerships: The state of clinical practice and preparation. Roundtable paper presentation at American Educational Research Association International Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Wasielewski, L.M., & Connelly, V. (2019, February). From placements to partnerships: The state of clinical practice and preparation. Paper presentation at Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Wasielewski, L.M., Birch, M., Connelly, V. & Bigaj, S. (2018, May). A conceptual framework for clinical practice and school-university partnership within a state context. Paper presentation at New England Educational Research Organization annual conference, Portsmouth, NH
Wasielewski, L.M., (2018, October). Transition to adulthood: Insights from families with adults with moderate to severe disabilities in New England. Poster presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Division of Career Development and Transition annual international conference. Cedar Rapids, IA
- ED240: Principles of Teaching and Learning
- ED270: Autism Spectrum Disorders (online)
- ED322: Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity in Education
- ED432: Clinical Capstone: Student Teaching Supervision
- ED480/481/482: Internship in Education
- ED495: Fundamentals of Elementary Pedagogy
- ED530: Positive Behavior Supports
- ED630: Special Education Internship
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2015-present, Division of Teaching and Teacher Education and Special Interest Group - Special and Inclusive Education Research
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), 1990-present, Division of Autism and Developmental Disability and Division of Career Development and Transition
- Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2006 - present
Dr. Wasielewski is engaged in state-wide committees including serving as a member the:
- New Hampshire Department of Education Council for Teacher Education (CTE) Board since 2003
- New Hampshire Educator Effectiveness for Student Success (NHESS) Project (formerly NHCEEDAR) since 2014
- New Hampshire Commission to study New Hampshire Teacher Preparation and Education Programs, 2019-2020
- New Hampshire Educator Effectiveness for Student Success (NHEESS) Project(Peer Reviewed). Grant to fund Graduate Special Education Program mentor trainings and stipends. Dates: May, 2022-December, 2022. Role: Principal Investigator in collaboration with statewide colleagues
- New Hampshire Educator Effectiveness for Student Success (NHEESS) Project (Peer Reviewed). Grant to fund collaborative research project to evaluate school partnerships between schools and two educator preparation programs in southern New Hampshire. Summer, 2020 Dates : one-year plus grant, September 2020-December 2021, Role: Principal Investigator in collaboration with statewide colleagues.
- National Science Foundation, Robert Noyce Scholarship Program (Peer Reviewed) capacity building grant to increase students matriculated in science, technology and mathematics teacher education. Summer, 2017; Dates: one-year grant, 2018-2019, Role: Co-Author in collaboration with Dr. Kelly Demers, Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, Principals, and others.