My research focuses on Augustine of Hippo's philosophy of love and its reception in later thinkers. I am currently at work on a book, Love of God and Neighbor in the Augustinian Tradition, that will trace Augustine’s account of love from its roots in Plato and the Stoics through its influence on medieval thought through the modern period down to recent philosophers like Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion. I have also written articles and papers in other areas of medieval philosophy and philosophy of religion. I also have a developing research agenda in business ethics.
I teach our introductory courses in both Philosophy and Great Books (PH 105 & 107, GB 170) Business Ethics, and Philosophy of God. More than anything else, I love introducing students to philosophy by reading some of the great texts from the history of philosophy. So, if you take a course from me, expect to read about the great ideas that have shaped the world we inhabit.
- Human Nature Seminar (PH 105)
- Ethics Seminar (PH 107)
- Introduction to Great Books (GB 170)
- Non-Western Great Books (GB 276)
- Philosophy of God (PH 326)
- Business Ethics (PH 333)
- Philosophy of Love and Friendship (PH 453)
- Philosophy of Work & Wellbeing (PH 453)
- Conversatio (HU 103 & 104)
‘A Faithful Reading?: Anselm’s Monologion and Augustine’s De Trinitate,’ in Anselm of Canterbury: New Readings of His Intellectual Methods, eds. Eileen Sweeney, John Slotemaker, and Thomas J. Ball, Brill (forthcoming).
‘Idolatrous Friendship in Augustine’s Confessions,’ Philosophy and Theology, Fall 2016, Volume 28 (1): 43-57.
‘Augustine on Human Love for God: Eros, Agape, or Philia?,’ American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Spring 2012, Volume 82 (2): 203¬¬–222.
‘The Unity of Eros and Agape: On Jean-Luc Marion’s Erotic Phenomenon,’ Essays in Philosophy, January 2011, Volume 12 (1): 130–146.
‘What is a Just Wage?: The Minimum Wage, The Living Wage, and the Family Wage’
‘Can Work Provide Meaning?—Why We Should Be Skeptical of Meaningful Work’
‘Anselm of Canterbury on Love: Between Augustine and Luther?’
Monograph: Love of God and Neighbor in the Augustinian Tradition
I have been involved in Saint Anselm's Center for Ethics in Society since its founding. The Center provides many opportunities for students to get involved in applying what they are learning in their philosophy courses to ethical issues in the community.
Much of my time outside of Saint Anselm is spent with my wife and four children. You might find us swimming, hiking, and fishing at a state park or on a soccer or baseball field. We are also deeply involved at Incarnation Anglican, a church that we helped found in the last few years.