Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Philosophy of Science (Physics, Biology, History of Science), Modern Philosophy, Camus, Dostoevsky, Simone Weil, Levinas, Feminism, Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Art, Poetry
Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Science, Modern Philosophy, Existentialism, Art, Poetry, Contemporary Philosophy, Science Fiction and Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology
- PH 105 (Human Nature Seminar:Sex and Gender)
- PH 107 (Ethics Seminar)
- PH 213 Modern Philosophy
- PH 331 Philosophy of Science
- PH 338 Contemporary Images of the Human Person in Fantasy Novels
- PH 336 Aesthetics
- PH 342 Existentialism
“What killed Substantial Form,” The Saint Anselm Journal: 5.1 (Fall 2007).
"Who Do You Think You Are? Relations, Subjectivity, and the Identity of Persons," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Volume LXVI, 1992.
"Representing, Similarity, and the Storage of Information," Proceedings of the Conference on Cognition and Representation, John T. Kearns, William J. Rappaport, Edward Segal, and Leonard Talmy (eds.), Center for Cognitive Science, SUNY Buffalo, pp. 22-40
“A Conversation of Kisses.” Hare’s Paw Journal, Forthcoming January 2022.
“Resurrection” Forthcoming in the anthology Covid Spring II, from Hobblebush Books, 2021
“Sometimes I have the feeling.” Second prize winner of Poetry Society of New Hampshire Members Contest, The Poet’s Touchstone, Volume 63.1.,Winter 2020
“Sunyata.” Second prize winner of Poetry Society of New Hampshire Members Contest, The Poet’s Touchstone, Volume 60.2, Winter/Spring 2018. Nominated for Pushcart Prize.
“Dust Bowl.” The Poet’s Touchstone, Volume 60.2, Winter/Spring 2018.
“Sacred Geometry.” Winner of the March 2018 Editor’s Challenge. The Poet’s Touchstone, Volume 61.1, Summer/Fall 2018
“Three Poems.” Symmetry Pebbles, February 5, 2011.
Member North American Levinas Society, American Weil Society
Reader for Poetry Section of Passengers Journal
Adviser TEDA (True Equality and Dignity Alliance), Lucubrations, and Philosophy Club
Beekeeping, Chickens, Gardening, Foraging, Art, and Poetry.