Ph.D., in Curriculum & Instruction, Boston College, Lynch School of Education, Chestnut Hill, MA
M.A., Seattle University, College of Education, Seattle, WA
B.A., in Humanities; Concentration: English and Communication, Seattle University, Matteo Ricci College, Seattle, WA
- Competency-based learning, Competency education
- Catholic K-12 schools
- Teacher retention
- Teacher preparation
- Race and ethnicity in education
- Research Consultant, Education Development Center, Inc.
- Senior Research Associate, Education Development Center, Inc.
- Managing Editor, Catholic Education Journal peer-reviewed publication
- Survey Development & Analysis Consultant, Christian Brothers District of Eastern North America
- Second Grade Teacher, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Seattle, WA
- Scheopner Torres, A., Breatt, J., Cox, J., & Greller, S. (2018). Compentency education implementation: Examining the influence of contextual forces in three New Hampshire secondary schools. AERA Open, 4(2), 1-13
- Demers, K., & Scheopner Torres, A.(in press). Aren't I great: The tale of a self-presumed heroic Becky. In C.E. Matias (ed.) Surviving Becky(s): Pedagogies of Whiteness and Gender
- Viesca, K. M., Scheopner Torres, A., Barnatt, J., & Piazza, P., (2013). When claiming to teach for social justice is not enough: Majoritarian stories of race, difference, and meritocracy. Berkeley Review of Education, 4(1), 97-122
- Scheopner Torres, A., (2012). "Hello, goodbye": Exploring the phenomenon of leaving teaching early. Journal of Educational Change, 13(1), 261-277
- Scheopner Torres, A., (2010). Irreconcilable differences: Teacher attrition in public and Catholic schools. Educational Research Review, 5(3), 261-177
- Scheopner Torres, A., Breatt, J., & Cox. (2015). Competency-based learning: Definitions, policies, and factors related to implementation. Waltham, MA: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands at teh Education Development Center. Retrieved from http://www.relnei.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/
- Walters, K., Smith, T., Leinwand, S., Ford, J., & Scheopner Torres, A., (2015). Quality online resources and supports for teaching the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Waltham, MA: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Services, National Center for Education Evaluations and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands at teh Education Development Center. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED557590
- ED220: Children's Literature
- ED240: Principles of Teaching & Learning
- ED340: Curriculum & Assessment in Teaching
- ED351: NHTCAP Seminar
- ED350/TH399: Catholic Schools in Today's Society (co-taught)
- ED375: Literacy Methods
- ED432: Supervision of Student Teaching
- HU103 & HU104: Conversatio I & II
- American Educational Research Association, 2004-present
- American Evaluation Association, 2012-present
- International Literacy Association, 2017-present
- Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2013-2015