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Returning Student Housing Selection

Room selection is an exciting time on campus as students begin to prepare for the next academic year. For those of you that have done this before, you can attest to the fact that it is essential that you understand the process in its entirety. Every year brings some changes; sometimes to the housing options, building designations or to availability of singles or apartments. Please check your e-mail regularly as there is a lot of information that will affect how you choose your room for next year. Know that there could be some changes to room availability/options up until room selection. We will do our best to notify the campus of any significant changes.

students meeting outside anselm college

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For School Counselors

Counseling high school students on their college choices requires a lot of information. Here you'll find the materials you need in order to guide your students in their college search.

alumni hall

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Graduate Admission

Being Anselmian is a worldview, culture and set of values that unlock and nurture the inherent intellectual, social and spiritual potential in all of us. As a life-long learner, never stop seeking. Find a program that unlocks your potential.