find your reason
Unlock a passion for improving our world
Studying the social sciences will help you build an understanding of human beings, relationships and society. The foundational skills of our curriculum prepare students for a wide-range of career choices.
majors in social sciences
to 1 student to faculty ratio
New Hampshire Institute of Politics Student Ambassadors
Departments & Programs
Find your program
We’re providing [students] with the knowledge that our doors are always open, that their peers are available to them. We’re not going anywhere—just because you have your diploma, that’s not the end of your relationship with us.
Get hands-on, real-world experience and bolster your resume with a paid or for-credit internship. Recent internships include New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Disney College Program, Entertainment 2 Affect Change, New Hampshire Historical Society, and Putnam Investments.
Launch Future
Social Science graduates are well-prepared to take their next step, with recent job placements including the Department of Homeland Security, New Hampshire State Police, Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Cambridge Police Department, Roxbury Youthworks Inc., and the New Hampshire Judicial Branch.
A Faculty Advisor in your corner
Strong academic advising can be critical to your success. So, our faculty, the people who know the curriculum best, advise you on which courses to take and when. Every student is assigned a faculty advisor in their declared major. Your advisor will become your best champion, the one who helps you find research opportunities or internships, teaches your favorite course, and writes your recommendations long after you’ve graduated.
Social Sciences News

2024: A Year in Review
As 2024 comes to a close, it is time to look back this year’s stories,…

Center for the Study of Religion and Public Life Relaunched at Saint Anselm College
NHIOP reopens the Center for the Study of Religion and Public Life.…

Saint Anselm Students Discover Career Pathways through Internships
This past summer, three Saint Anselm seniors participated in internships…

New Poll by Saint Anselm College Survey Center Shows President Donald Trump With a Modest Bump in Popularity
New Poll by Saint Anselm College Survey Center Shows President Donald Trump…

Saint Anselm Awarded ARMI Grant for Ethics in Biofabrication
Saint Anselm College has announced that its Center for Ethics in…

Sudi Lett Challenges Students to “Do the Right Thing” at Annual MLK Jr. Dinner
During Saint Anselm College’s annual MLK Jr.

Annual MLK Jr. Dinner Kicks Off Month-Long Celebration of “Infinite Hope”
The annual MLK Jr. Celebration Dinner kicked off the yearly month-long…

2024: A Year in Review
As 2024 comes to a close, it is time to look back this year’s stories,…
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