Picture of a hispanic family behind a heart

Culturally Competent Care for Hispanic Patients: Overcoming Barriers and Promoting Trust


October 10, 2024
8:00 am EDT - 3:00 pm EDT

Part 1 of a 2 part Cultural Communication Series

This virtual program is designed for nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in providing, managing, or advocating for healthcare services for Hispanic patients and communities. It aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to deliver culturally competent and sensitive care, overcome barriers to care, and promote trust and health equity among Hispanic populations.

Planned Sessions:

  • Hispanic Health Statistics: Understanding the Landscape
  • Building Trust with Hispanic Patients and Families
  • Understanding Hispanic Belief Systems and Cultural Practices
  • Addressing Health Disparities in Hispanic Populations
  • Overcoming Barriers to Care: Fear Factors among Hispanic Patients

Learning Outcome:
By the end of the program the participant will be able to describe the unique healthcare challenges and disparities faced by Hispanic populations in the United States,  identify Hispanic belief systems, cultural practices, and their impact on healthcare decision-making, discuss common fears and barriers to care experienced by Hispanic patients, and develop strategies to build trust, rapport, and culturally sensitive care approaches for Hispanic patients and families.

Nursing Contact Hours: 5

Elizabeth Fouts, PhD, MA, BS, Associate Professor, Saint Anselm College
Marigen Tapia Learnard, PhD, Instructor, Saint Anselm College
Susan Mazzeo, MA, Lecturer, Saint Anselm College      

Part 1 and Part 2 of series may be taken separately.
10% discount if registering for both this program and Part 2: Enhancing Cross Cultural Communication on November 7, 2024  

Register Here: https://anselm.eventsair.com/CEPortal/cne-database/cne/Calendar

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