Results for "housing we need initiative"



Information about the History major and minor at Saint Anselm College


22 Students Receive Saint Anselm College’s First Master’s Degrees

On Saturday, May 21, 2022, twenty-two students gathered on the Campus Green as Saint Anselm College’s first class of students to receive master’s degrees. During the ceremony, members of the faculty in the Criminal Justice Department hooded the graduates and honored their work over the past year.

Group photo of first Master's class

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About Saint Anselm 

Alumni Hall

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Staff Handbook

As a Benedictine, Catholic liberal arts college, we place special value on the human person as our greatest resource. To be employed at our college is to share responsibility for fulfilling the college's mission to engage students in the fullest experience of a liberal arts education and to graduate men and women who will lead creative and generous lives.

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Joseph A. Favazza is the 11th president of Saint Anselm College. He is popular among the students and the college community, and a leader in liberal arts higher education with an impressive track record in achieving critical academic and institutional goals.