High School Ethics Circles are eligible to form teams for the National High School Ethics Bowl (NHSEB). The NHSEB promotes the same values of thoughtfulness and collaboration that the Center emphasizes in the Ethics Labs. The NHSEB provides students with “cases,” ethical dilemmas on which students will need to work out their own views using rational, discursive deliberation. Some of the ethical discussions coordinated in the high schools therefore serve as case preparation for Ethics Bowl competitions.
During the Ethics Bowl event, students analyze cases in small teams, develop a position, and then present it to the larger group. Judges decide which group gave the best presentation based on the four principles of ethical dialogue. Students must engage the central moral issues of the case, justify their position, articulate that position clearly, and address possible counterarguments. Saint Anselm College hosted the first annual Goodchild Ethics Bowl on February 1, 2020, an official regional competition in the NHSEB.
2024-25 Season
- December 5, 2024: Ethics Bowl Invitational
- January 25, 2025: Sixth Annual Goodchild Regional Ethics Bowl
The Goodchild Ethics Bowl is supported by a gift from Ken Goodchild.