Results for "housing we need initiative"

student club


The purpose of this group is to provide the proper projection, perception, education components, and influence of the mis-and underrepresented communities on campus focusing on the BIPOC population. We will create a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment in which we engage in discussions concerning the challenges we may face with the intent and purpose of raising awareness and finding ways to overcome said challenges. We strongly encourage members–students and college employees– to speak freely and listen in a nonjudgmental way to the issues we encounter on a day-to-day basis. Off campus, we commit to organizing and hosting events that leave a positive impact in the Manchester community. Our focus is primarily on reaching out to young African American and mis-underrepresented children in the community.


department page


Our faculty will work with you to identify and pursue opportunities that interest you. Whether you are studying accounting, and applying your coursework in the Bloomberg Room, or joining classmates on an international business trip to China, you will find a program that challenges you to think on your feet, and adapt to the ever-changing global marketplace.

Globe and books on a desk

department page

Welcome Parents

Recent research shows today's students consider their parents to be their best advisors. As students adjust to college life, the challenges of living away from home, and a more rigorous academic environment, they will be calling you for advice. They will seek your support and affirmation that they can be successful at Saint Anselm College.

We believe that living on campus makes this transition easier for students and their parents. Residential Life and Education Staff are focused on helping your student have a successful year. We also hope to provide parents with information necessary to be effective advisors for your students. Please browse this website to find more information to help your student have a successful college career.

students meeting outside anselm college