Results for "housing we need initiative"


New Offices & Classrooms in Geisel

Picture of new offices being built behind the IT Helpdesk.

Students and faculty returned to campus to see significant change at Geisel Library. The Library is one of several buildings updated to accommodate the relocation of offices and classrooms from the Poisson building in preparation for its forthcoming demolition. In June 2022, President Joseph A. Favazza, Ph.D., announced plans to establish a School of Nursing and Health Professions to be housed in a new state-of-the-art nursing facility. This facility will replace Poisson building adjacent to Geisel Library.

Geisel is now home to the Computer Science department with faculty/staff offices, labs, and classrooms located on the main and lower levels. Three IT technicians also relocated their offices to the library, behind the Helpdesk on the main level. 

Picture of new offices being built behind the IT Helpdesk.