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Forms of Instruction

All library sessions are tailored to specific class assignments and most often include hands-on active learning activities that enable student to practice their research and information literacy skills, as well as begin their research with the librarian and course instructor present. Library sessions may cover any number of topics, such as how to search the library's databases and how to critically evaluate sources.

student at computer

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Give to the Geisel Library

The Memorial and Honorarium Book program was established to support the addition of books to the College's library, and to provide donors with a unique way to mark special moments in the lives of of family and friends. Occasions have included births, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, birthdays, retirements, ordinations, the feast day of a patron saint, Christmas, class gifts, and the passing of a loved one. 

students studying

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New Hampshire Political Library

In March of 2010, the New Hampshire Political Library merged with the New Hampshire Institute of Politics to join forces behind shared missions. The Institute upholds the Library’s role in increasing civic engagement in the democratic process by promoting and preserving the state's unique political traditions and passing them on to future generations. Many of these traditions include opportunities for voters and community leaders to meet presidential candidates ahead of New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary.


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Politics & Eggs

The Politics & Eggs series was founded in 1995 to provide New Hampshire and New England business leaders with a chance to meet with major party presidential candidates. Since that time, virtually every major candidate has attended this program, and it has become a "must-stop" on the presidential campaign trail. In recent years, the series has been expanded to include speakers other than candidates who discuss critical issues facing our nation.

Politics and Eggs