Both sociology and social work provide students with valuable insights into the relationships between human beings and the societies in which they live. The programs are designed to prepare students not only for an occupation after graduation, but to provide students with the skill sets necessary to lead lives as engaged citizens.

About the Department

The department offers two programs of study: The Sociology Program and the Social Work Program. The department also offers a Human Relations and Work minor for those interested in working in human resource management or a related field.

While they differ in their overall focus, there is substantial over-lap between content and themes in sociology and social work. So, often students will double major in both Sociology and Social Work, or declare one as a major and the other as a minor.

Department Contacts

Chair: Kevin Doran, Ph.D.
Mailing Address: 100 Saint Anselm Drive #1677
Phone: (603) 641-7122


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