Engagement in the community is an integral part of the Social Work and Sociology curriculum. With the majority of the Social Work and Sociology curriculum including service learning through the Meelia Center for Community Engagement as part of the course, students in the Sociology and Social Work Department have a unique opportunity to learn from and contribute to the Greater Manchester community. Staff from the Meelia Center, Daniel Forbes and Nickie Lora teach a variety of Sociology and Social Work Department courses, where they bring the mission of community engagement into the classroom. Through service learning, our students engage with nearly 60 local nonprofit agencies, and collaborate with community members and professional staff to make significant contributions, apply course content, and develop the skills and confidence.
The Meelia Center follows a students-as-colleagues model in which 80+ student coordinates manage community partnerships and support their peers who are engaged in community. With many of the Sociology and Social Work Students active leaders at the Meelia Centers, our students not only participate in service learning as part of their course work, they also develop leadership and management skills through their staff positions at Meelia Center.