Our major and minor programs help students develop linguistic skills and cultural enrichment through an emphasis on language proficiency and intercultural communication and understanding. 

About the Department

The Modern Languages and Literatures Department offers four languages: Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. If you’re interested in majoring or minoring in a language, you can take a variety of language and culture courses that will spark your interest. The course sequence even offers ample time to double major.As an Anselmian majoring or minoring in a modern language, you will be greatly encouraged to immerse yourself in another culture. Our students take advantage of many different study abroad and internship abroad programs around the world. Some of the most popular destinations are Beijing, China; Berlin, Germany; Aix-en-Provence, France; and Granada, Spain. Chinese class students also have opportunities to earn an Asian Studies Minor.

Language placement exam information →

Department Contacts

Chair: Susanne Rossbach
Mailing Address: 100 Saint Anselm Drive #1707
Phone: (603) 641-7013

Language Placement Exam Information

Step-by-step instructions for Language Placement:

Prior to registering for a modern language, you must complete a placement test and a survey (#1 and #2 below). If you have never studied the language you plan to take and have no life experience with it, you only need to take the survey (#2 below).

A) If you have studied the language in school OR have life experience with it (it was spoken at home, you lived abroad, etc.), proceed to the Placement Test by clicking on the link below. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.            

Link to PLACEMENT EXAM: https://app.emmersion.ai/registration?shortId=e01f5ddfd7

Here are detailed instructions: 

  1. Make sure you use either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
  2. After clicking on the link, create an account. Make sure you use your Saint Anselm College email and student ID number.
  3. Sign in to your new account.
  4. Choose the language you want to study. Click: Take Test.
  5. Answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. Keep in mind that this is a placement exam—the best outcome is an accurate placement, not a specific score.
  6. When you are done, a preliminary placement result will be displayed. Be aware:  The Saint Anselm placement team will review your answers from the placement exam and the survey (see below). We will contact you via email with your final placement results.

B) Everyone – whether you have ever studied the language you want to take or not – needs to complete an online survey. It only takes 2-3 minutes. Please click here for the online survey.

All done! We look forward to meeting you! If you have questions, please contact:

Professor Orrego for Spanish
Professor Rossbach for Chinese, French, and German


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