Chemistry is by its nature interdisciplinary, drawing on both mathematics and physics to understand basic principles, and helping to inform the understanding of structure and reactivity in biological systems.

About the Department

The Saint Anselm College Chemistry & Forensic Science Department provides its students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in chemistry within the context of a liberal arts education. Consistent with the Catholic Benedictine mission of the College, the Department seeks to develop ethical and responsible scientists, who are active in their local, national and global communities. The Department engages students in a variety of learning experiences that integrate the teaching and research laboratories with the classroom.

The Department of Chemistry & Forensic Science offers courses which are intended to introduce students to the descriptive and theoretical foundations of the chemical sciences. For students majoring in the other sciences, chemistry courses are offered which support and complement the major programs in those disciplines. Within the major, the department provides a core of basic information in the chemical sciences permitting the pursuit of a number of educational and career pathways. The core chemistry major is awarded a Bachelor of Arts and the American Chemical Society certified major is awarded a Bachelor of Science.

Department Contacts

Chair: Carolyn Weinreb, Ph.D.
Mailing Address: 100 Saint Anselm Drive #1704
Phone: (603) 641-7154


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