All chemistry majors carry out research as a requirement for graduation. Forensic science students are encouraged to do the same. Students may participate in research with any department that has projects of interest to them. Recent examples include collaborations with Biology, Classics, Criminal Justice, Physics, and Psychology faculty and/or students. Many students perform more than the required number of hours for additional credit or pay.
Ongoing research focuses on the following areas:
- Analysis of archaeological artifacts from modern and ancient sites
- Nano-scale delivery systems
- Organic reactions by microwave irradiation
- Fire propagation dynamics
- Computational assessment of reaction pathways and molecular interactions
- Controlling biological pathways with small molecules
There are several opportunities for compensated student research. Saint Anselm College is currently receiving funding from the NH-INBRE grant, focusing on biomedical applications of research, through which summer research fellowships are available.
Additionally, the Father Michael Custer Summer Research Grant is awarded for a summer research position in collaboration with Chemistry faculty.
In addition to on campus opportunities, many students have also obtained summer industry positions or received internships. Others have participated in academic summer research programs at major research institutions.
This research is presented on campus (SOAR or Mind Over Major, for example) or at meetings of learned societies. Internship presentations are given as seminars to classes and faculty. Descriptions of presentations given by students in collaboration with faculty in our department, though any of these opportunities, in recent academic years can be seen here. Feel free to reach out to any faculty member for more details!
Presentations in the 2023-2024 Academic Year
Saint Anselm College SOAR Poster Session – May 2, 2024
- Ava Caputo (Biology ’24) with Dr. Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis of Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition.
- Zachary Castro (Forensic Science ’24) with Dr. Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis towards A-Ring Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition.
- Hannah Cotter (Natural Science ’24) with Dr. Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis of Flufenamic Acid Analogues and their Role as Hippo Pathway Inhibitors.
- Tyler Scopelites (Natural Science ’24) with Dr. Jennifer R. Pace. Targeting the Hippo Pathway with Diamide Des-Carboxylate Flufenamic Acid Analogues: Synthesis and Evaluation.
- Amanda Weihrauch (Biology ‘ 24) with Dr. Jennifer Pace. Synthesis towards Diamide Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition.
- Avery Bacon (Forensic Science ’25) with Dr. Nicole Eyet. Ignitable Liquid Analysis with a Mini Gas Chromatographer
- Macy Joyce (Forensic Science ’24) with Dr. Nicole Eyet. Analysis of Fire Debris Using IR Spectroscopy
- Isabella Moreschi (Forensic Science ’25) with Dr. Nicole Eyet. Thermodynamics of Pool Fires
- Jake Allison (Chemistry ’24) with Dr. Carolyn Weinreb. Model System for the Synthesis of 1, 3, 5, 7-tetraethynyladamantane
- Regan Ekborg (Chemistry ’24) with Dr. Matthew Hurley. The Synthesis and Release of Surfactant Silica Nanoparticles
- Kiean W. Hickey (Chemistry ’26) with Dr. Matthew Hurley. Drug Delivery Utilizing Surfactant Silica Nanoparticles
- Colin Hart (Forensic Science ’24), Joseph Krochko Jr (Forensic Science ’24) with Dr. Derk Wierda. Forensic Blood Spatter Analysis
Abigail Desrochers (Forensic Science ’24) with Dr. Mary Kate Donais. Synthetic Dye Analysis: From Forensics to Fine Arts
Presentations in the 2022-2023 Academic Year
NH-INBRE Annual Meeting (These Posters were also Presented at a SOAR Poster Session)
- Hannah Cotter (Natural Science ’24) and Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis of Flufenamic Acid Analogues and their Role as Hippo Pathway Inhibitors.
Tyler Scopelites (Natural Science ’24) and Jennifer R. Pace. Targeting the Hippo Pathway with Diamide Des-Carboxylate Flufenamic Acid Analogues: Synthesis and Evaluation.
Saint Anselm College SOAR Poster Session – April 27, 2023
- Kyle Doyle (Chemistry '23) with Dr. Nicole Eyet “A Computational Analysis of the Alpha Effect in the Gas Phase.
- Sean Daly (Forensic Science '24) with Dr. Nicole Eyet Evaluating the use of portable GC for accelerant detection in a fire scene
Veronica T. Vigliotta (Forensic Science ’23) with Dr. Matthew T. Hurley. “Synthesis and Release Studies of Surfactant-Silica Nanoparticles.” SOAR Poster Session, Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH, April 27, 2023.
Kayla Milward (Forensic Science ’23) with Dr. Matthew Hurley. “Surfactant-Silica Nanoparticles for Extracting DNA from Fingerprints.” SOAR Poster Session, Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH, April 27, 2023.
Stephanie M. Firth (Forensic Science ’23) with Dr. Matthew Hurley. “Assessing Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Headspace Extraction of Ignitable Liquids.” SOAR Poster Session, Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH, April 27, 2023.
- Annabelle Harrington (Chemistry ’23) and Jennifer R. Pace. Design and Synthesis of Diamide FA:NA Hybrid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition. Poster Presentation. SOAR Poster Session. Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH. April 27, 2023.
- Noelle Honan (Biology ’23) and Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis and Evaluation of Flufenamic Acid Analogues as Hippo Pathway Inhibitors. Poster Presentation. SOAR Poster Session. Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH. April 27, 2023.
- Lauren Mauretti (Chemistry ’23) and Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis and Evaluation of Ring A Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition. Poster Presentation. SOAR Poster Session. Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH. April 27, 2023.
- Mackenzie Vallely (Biochemistry ’23) and Jennifer R. Pace. Synthesis and Evaluation of Diamide Des-Carboxylate Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition. Poster Presentation. SOAR Poster Session. Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH. April 27, 2023.
Presentations from prior to 2022 can be seen below.
New Hampshire INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) is a program funded by the National Institutes of Health to develop a coordinated network of biomedical research and research training in New Hampshire. In addition to providing funding for laboratory renovations, equipment, and professional development, this program provides stipends for students to perform summer research at Saint Anselm College, Dartmouth, or other institutions for eight to ten weeks of full time laboratory work. Additionally, students can apply to carry out research (~10 hours/week) during the semester through this program, attend scientific conferences, and have access to short biomedically related courses. Students who perform summer research present their work at the NH-INBRE Annual Meeting held every August and many continue during research during the semester. Those that complete research during the semester may also present their research at various conferences on and off campus including SOAR, held on our campus.
Projects have been carried out in collaboration with 27 different faculty in the Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Sociology, Psychology, and Nursing departments. Since 2010, this grant has provide more than 325 total awards to more than 190 individual students.
After a request for proposals, faculty in the Chemistry Department (and their collaborators) received the following awards:
Dr. Matthew Hurley (Associate Professor, Chemistry) and Dr. Elizabeth Greguske (Associate Professor, Biology)
Project Title: Developing and Evaluating Surfactant Vesicles for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications
- Initial: FY21-FY22: $7,000 Total Award
Dr. Jennifer Pace (Associate Professor, Chemistry)
Project Title: Synthesis and Evaluation of Flufenamic Acid Analogues for Hippo Pathway Inhibition
- Initial: FY21-FY22: Direct Costs $83,333/year
- Renewal: FY22-FY24: Direct Costs $97,737/year
- Renewal: FY24-FY25: Direct Costs $60,490/year
Saint Anselm College SOAR 2021 was held virtually on Instagram in April 2021. See @SaintAnselmSOAR for full presentations.
- Julia Apitz (Biochemistry '22) with Dr. Jennifer Pace: FA-NA Hybrids as Inhibitors of the Hippo Pathway
- Abigail Campbell (Chemistry '21) with Dr. Nicole Eyet Arson Research: Detection of Smoke Using Motion Activated Cameras
- Abigail Carsten (Forensic Science '21) with Dr. Matthew Hurley: A Method to Trigger Release from Surfactant Silica Nanocomplexes.
- Elizabeth DeGaetano (Chemistry '21) with Dr. Britney Privett: Expression and Purification of ZNF750
- Elizabeth DeGaetano (Chemistry '21), Skyler Hickey (Chemistry '21), Johnathan Martin (Chemistry '21), Brendan Parr (Chemistry '22) Madison Rennie (Chemsitry '21) Hannah Robichaud (Chemistry '22), Amber Topping (Chemistry '22) with Dr. Nicole Eyet: A Computational Investigation of an Ion-Molecule Reaction
- Skyler Hickey (Chemistry '21), Hannah Robichaud (Chemistry '22), Amber Topping (Chemistry '22) with Dr. Matthew Hurley (Chemistry) and Dr. Elizabeth Greguske (Biology): Developing and Evaluating Surfactant Vessicles for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications: Protein Functionalization Studies
- Julia Krutul (Biology + Behavioral Neuroscience, ‘22) with Dr. Jennifer Pace: The Hippo Pathway and Ovarian Cancer: Preventing Cisplatin Resistance using Flufenamic Acid Analogues as TEAD Inhibitors
- Jonathan Martin (Chemistry '21) with Dr. Mary Kate Donais: Qualitative Analysis of Fabrics Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Madison Rennie (Chemistry ‘21) with Dr. Jennifer Pace: Synthesis of Flufenamic Acid Analogues for the Inhibition of the Hippo Pathway
- Hannah Robichaud (Chemistry '22) and Amber Topping (Chemistry '22) with Dr. Matthew Hurley: Developing and Evaluating Surfactant Vesicles for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications: Formation of Esterified Triton X-100 Vesicles and Attachment of Bacteriophage
- Eva Marie Rudler (Chemistry '21) with Dr. Britney Privett: Discerning Iron Concentrations by XRF in Arabidopsis Thaliana Through Standard Addition
- Caroline Thompson (Biochemistry ‘21) with Dr. Jennifer Pace: Exploring Phenyl-Amide Flufenanic Acid Analogues to be Combined with Popular Chemotherapeutic Treatments
National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2021@HOME Conference, April 12-14, 2021
- Eva-Maria Rudler (Chemistry, '21) and Dr. Britney Privett: Discerning Heavy Metal Concentrations by XRF in Arabidopsis thaliana Through Standard Addition
SCIX 2020 – presented by FACSS. Virtual Poster Session October 12-15, 2020
- Eva-Maria Rudler (Chemistry '21) and Dr. Britney Privett. Discerning Iron Concentrations by XRF in Arabidopsis Thaliana Through Standard AdditionPresentations in the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
256th American Chemical Society National Meeting - Boston, MA - August 2018 (Poster Presentations)
- Nicholas Allen (Chemistry '19) and Prof. Mary Kate Donais:Elemental Analysis of Etruscan Loom Weights using X-Ray Fluorescence
- Elizabeth Lomusio (Chemistry '18), Jacob Cohen (Forensic Science'19), Paul Zayka (Chemistry '20) and Prof Nicole Eyet: Saint Anselm College Chemistry Club: We have our ion chemistry
- Paul R. Zayka (Chemistry '20) and Prof. Matthew T. Hurley: Surface Functionalization of Catanionic SDBS/CTAT Vesicles (PDF/89MB)
Presentations in the 2017-2018 Academic Year
SciX presented by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Reno, NV - September 2017
- Luke Douglass (Chemistry '18), Professor Mary Kate Donais and Professor David George: Elemental Analysis of Bucchero Pottery using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Presentations in the 2016-2017 Academic Year
68th International Arson Investigators International Training Conference - Las Vegas, NV - April 2017 (Oral Presentation)
- Marissa Persichini (Forensic Science '17) with William Ryerson, Nicole Eyet and Andrew Cox: Exploring the Relevance & Reliability of Witness Statements in Fire Investigations
SciX presented by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Providence, RI - September 2016 (Poster Presentation)
- Kaliopi Konomi '17, Prof. Mary Kate Donais and Prof. David George: Elemental Characterization of Fresco Pigments and Cistern Walls via X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Presentations in the 2015-2016 Academic Year
NIH, NIGMS Sixth Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence - August 2016
- Amelia McCue (Chemistry '18) presented as part of the conference, as a 'Take Your IDeA Science to Capitol Hill' Travel Grant Award Winner.
- Charles Dooley (Chemistry '16), Prof. Carolyn Weinreb: Synthesis of Alkynes Via N-Tosyl Hydrazones
- Amelia McCue (Chemisty '18), Prof. Thomas Shell: Visible Light-Mediated DNA Damage
- Whitney Moreau (Chemistry '16), Prof. Thomas Shell: Synthesis of Alkylcobalamins for the Photomediated Modulation
- Joseph Pisano (Chemistry '16), Prof. Carolyn Weinreb: Towards the Synthesis of 1,3,5,7-Tetraethynyladamantane
- Brandi Zizza (Chemistry '16), Prof. Thomas Shell: Controlling Chemotheraputic Activity using Light
18th Annual Northeastern Student Chemistry Research Conference - UMass Boston - April 2016
- Briana Goddard (Chemistry, '16), Prof. Derk Wierda: Activation of Carbon Chlorine Bonds Using Palladium (II) Catalysts
SciX presented by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectrocopy Societies, Providence, RI - September 2015 (Poster Presentation)
- Andrew Sparks (Chemistry '16), Monica Redente (Chemistry '14), Prof. Mary Kate Donais, Prof. David George: Elemental Characterization of Ancient Glass Tesserae via X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
250th American Chemical Society National Meeting - Boston, MA - August 2015 (Poster Presentations)
- Christina Arcand (Chemistry '15), Charles Dooley (Chemistry '16) Prof. Carolyn Weinreb: Synthesis of Alkynes from Aldehydes and Ketones via α-Substituted N-Tosyl Hydrazones
- Joseph Pisano (Chemistry '16), Prof. Carolyn Weinreb: Improved Synthesis of 1,3,5,7-Tetraethynyladamantane
- Alexandra Scafidi (Chemistry '15), Jacqueline Kelley (Chemistry '16), Prof. Nicole Eyet: Analysis of Archaeological Soils
71st American Society of Criminology Annual Conference - Washington, DC - November 2015 (Poster Presentations)
- Canada Stewart (Forensic Science and Criminal Justice ’15), Emily M. Bogosian (Forensic Science ’16), Elizabeth K. Gilboy (Forensic Science ’16), Meredythe E. Leonard (Forensic Science ’16), Prof. Kaitlyn Clarke: Mental Illness and the Death Penalty US Death Penalty: Evaluating the Discrepancies Between States
- Canada Stewart (Forensic Science and Criminal Justice ’15), Emily M. Bogosian (Forensic Science ’16), Elizabeth K. Gilboy (Forensic Science ’16), Meredythe E. Leonard (Forensic Science ’16), Prof. Kaitlyn Clarke: Perception of Police Body Cameras