Welcome to the Education Department at Saint Anselm College. The Teacher Education Programs (TEP) are designed to integrate liberal arts general education, specialized content major, and teacher education requirements.

About the Department

The mission of the Teacher Education Program is to prepare ethical and reflective educators who promote equity, exemplify professionalism, engage with communities, and thrive as leaders in the contemporary learning environment. The Education Department believes that teaching is an intellectual and professional endeavor grounded in the strength and excellence of our liberal arts curriculum. Our Teacher Education Program (TEP) allows our students the necessary theory and practice to inform their work regarding the ethical, moral, political, and social realities that shape education. 

Department Contacts

Chair: Kelly Demers
Data Manager and Coordinator: Kristen deMatteis
Mailing Address: 100 Saint Anselm Drive #1751
Phone: (603) 641-7593


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Requirements for professional licensure in disciplines such as education vary among states. Saint Anselm College has provided state licensing guidance information below, and we make every effort to ensure licensure information is current. However, licensure regulations are frequently revised. Therefore, before beginning an academic program intended to educationally prepare candidates for professional licensure, Saint Anselm College strongly encourages you to contact the state licensing board where you intend to seek licensure to ensure the program will meet the state’s licensing requirements. 

Completion of a Saint Anselm College program does not guarantee employment or licensure in a given profession. Please note that some state laws require a criminal background check, which may disqualify an individual from obtaining licensure. Field experience sites may require background checks before accepting students for a clinical experience. As such, it is your responsibility to determine if your own circumstances pose any barriers. 

Saint Anselm College offers a number of campus-based education programs approved by the New Hampshire State Department of Education for teacher licensure as leading to an initial teacher license in New Hampshire. In addition to meeting all degree requirements, candidates seeking licensure must meet all testing requirements for their specific licensure area as required by the New Hampshire Department of Education. Students will not be recommended for licensure until all requirements are met.

Candidates interested in teaching outside of New Hampshire must successfully complete the campus-based program and meet requirements for initial teacher licensure in New Hampshire. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement.

Although there may be state-specific conditions applicable to individual jurisdictions, the agreement makes it possible for an educator who completed an approved program and/or who holds a license in one jurisdiction to earn a license in another state or jurisdiction provided they meet state-specific conditions. 

Please note that Saint Anselm College also offers post-licensure Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs with online components for currently licensed individuals who are interested in furthering their professional development and enhancing their credentials. However, since state requirements for adding endorsements vary greatly, Saint Anselm College does not guarantee that the completion of those programs will result in rank and/or salary endorsements and strongly encourages interested individuals to contact their state licensure board prior to enrolling.

For state licensing board contact information and preliminary guidance on whether Saint Anselm College’s campus-based programs meet the NASDTEC requirements of your intended state for licensure, see the following link: https://www.nasdtec.net/page/InterstateAgreements