The Department encourages students to seek out internship and study abroad opportunities. Students have had the opportunity to intern with political campaigns and non-profits, media outlets, and with members of Congress and congressional committees, and to study in Europe, South America, and Australia.

Each of the three majors also includes a research capstone. In recent years our seniors have presented their research at major academic conferences around the United States, or published their work in peer-reviewed journals. And their projects have reflected a diversity of interests – from the prospects for reunification on the Korean peninsula, to Machiavelli’s conception of citizenship, to renewable energy policy in New England towns.


New Hampshire Primary Debates

Hear what Saint Anselm students, faculty, and staff say about presidential primary debates on campus, the practical sides of politics, and how a liberal arts education brings it all together.


Internships, Careers, and Graduate School

Beyond the classroom, there are many opportunities for learning through guest lectures, research projects with faculty, participation in political events and elections, field trips, and internships in local law firms, state governments, and in Washington, D.C. Study abroad is strongly encouraged, programs are offered in academic institutions around the world. We have graduates in exciting career-track jobs across the country, and around the world, and network our current, and graduating students with them frequently.

The Department of Politics encourages its majors to take internships. An internship can serve as a valuable test for you in making well-informed choices about your future goals. Students have interned across the state with campaigns and multiple agencies, in the Governor's Office in Concord, with federal agencies in Boston and Washington, D.C. and abroad. If you are interested in an internship, please contact Prof. Chris Galdieri.

Washington, D.C. Internships

Saint Anselm College politics majors frequently pursue internships in Washington, D.C. Among the many programs in Washington, several students have partnered with The Washington Center.

Student Opportunities

Students within the Politics Department can participate in several clubs and activities related to course studies and research. The college offers additional opportunities for engagement. And if you don't see a club or activity that meets your interest, start one.

Join with your peers to help to create a greater awareness and interest in the political issues of the nation, city, and state. Both clubs promote a better understanding of the American political system, and the Democratic and Republican parties respectively. The clubs are open to all interested students.