Safety and Health Abroad
Money Matters
Scholarship Resources


Safety and Health Abroad

Student safety is at the core of every successful study abroad experience. Saint Anselm College only works with third party providers whose commitment to student safety, success and growth is at the highest industry levels. Some excellent health and wellness resources may be found with the US State Department website specific to study abroad, and Saint Anselm students are required to register in the US State Department’s STEP program. Specific information related to insurance, prescriptions, and other matters can be found here.

Money Matters

In order to give all students, not only those who can afford it, access to study abroad, Saint Anselm College utilizes a home school tuition model. This tuition and financial aid model makes study abroad more accessible for all students, regardless of financial means, just as it does for all on-campus programming. This model reflects the college’s commitment to expand study abroad options in ways that offer growth through global awareness, service, intercultural competence, and intellectual enrichment, as outlined in the college's strategic vision. 

The home school tuition model is structured in the following way. Students will pay full-time St. Anselm College tuition plus the corresponding Study Abroad Application fee ($900 for Tuscania and other approved programs, $1750 foe petitionable programs). Students will be charged directly by the program provider or host institution for room and board fees (if applicable). Saint Anselm College will pay host institution tuition on the student’s behalf.

Financial Aid applications must be completed by MARCH 15TH (one month earlier than deadline) for students who will study abroad. Eligibility for merit and need-based aid will be assessed using the off-campus aiding policy. Thus, institutional aid will proportional to a student’s residential aid for the semester the student studies abroad. See the Study Abroad Finances page for more information.

Scholarship Resources

Studying abroad is an investment in your future. Like any other type of investment, it requires careful planning and management. However, the personal, academic, and professional rewards that you will gain from this experience will last a lifetime. Resources for study abroad scholarships may be found on the Study Abroad Finances page.