April 28 and 29 saw three separate Showcasing Our Art and Research (S.O.A.R) events at Saint Anselm College: the Student Art and Research Poster Event, Squire J. Booker’s Keynote Speaker Event “A Radical Approach to Antibiotic Resistance,” and a panel discussion on marine biology, ecology, and climate change.

This year, the poster event took place virtually onSOAR’s Instagram page, with 51 separate posters showcasing student research within the biologychemistryphysicspsychology, and education departments. Student presenters ranged from sophomores to seniors and topics included using motion-activated cameras to detect smoke, how nostalgia impacts perceptions of stress, and how remote learning impacted students in low-income areas.

Throughout April 28 – 29, posters were shared on the Saint Anselm SOAR Instagram page in multiple waves, and were categorized based on department in their order of posting. Posts had images of students’ posters, as well as voiceover from the student presenters discussing the research they had done for their presentations.

Thursday, April 29th saw both a keynote speaker event as well as a panel discussion. The SOAR distinguished keynote speaker was Dr. Squire Booker, an Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University who holds the Eberly Family Distinguished Chair in Science and is also an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute among other things. A more in-depth description of his accomplishments and education can be found on the keynote speaker event page. His lecture, titled “A Radical Approach to Antibiotic Resistance,” covered the discovery and industrial production of penicillin, the golden age of antibiotics, and how antibiotic resistance is achieved, focusing on the chemistry.

Following Dr. Booker’s presentation was a discussion with Kane Molleo ’15 and  Professors Lori LaPlante, Ph.D., and Theresa Dabruzzi, Ph.D., on how climate change is affecting marine biology and ecology.The panel told stories from the field, incorporating their research, and discussing what is being taught to today’s Saint Anselm students.

You can view all of the student poster presentations on Instagram, but some of the presentations included:

  • Hanna Cameron ’21: Improving Visualization of Tubercle Networks in Dorid Nudibranch Mantles; Biology Department
  • Abigail Donnellan ’21: Heart Rate and Pulse Oximetry Monitors: Application and Accuracy; Biology Department
  • Isabelle Harvey ’21: Personality Relates to Growth Rates in Captive Blanding’s Turtles; Biology Department
  • Skyler Hickey ’21, Hannah Robichaud ‘22, Amber Topping ‘22: Developing and Evaluating Surfactant Vesicles for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications: Protein Functionalization Studies; Chemistry Department
  • Eva Marie Rudler ’21: Discerning Iron Concentrations by XRF in Arabidopsis Thaliana Through Standard Addition; Chemistry Department
  • Abigail Campbell ’21: Arson Research: Detection of Smoke Using Motion Activated Cameras; Chemistry Department
  • Susan Garwood ’21: Students Choice of College Major and Gender Norms; Psychology Department
  • Casey Welsh ’21: The Effects of COVID-19 on Children’s Mental Health; Psychology Department
  • Kerri Roy ’21: Nostalgia in College Freshmen: The Impact of Nostalgia on Perceptions of Stress and Negative Emotions; Psychology Department
  • Emma Goulet ’23, Hannah Chapman ‘23, Ian Jarvis ‘23: Defining Adaptive Free Choice in a Conscious System; Physics Department
  • Thomas DeLillo ’21: A Statistical Inquiry Allying Frequency-Based Bird Song Characteristics with Satellite Imagery from Landsat 8 Through Generalized Linear Regression and the Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithm; Physics + Biology Departments
  • Lili Gately ’21: A Comparison of Statistical Analysis with Machine Learning to Analyze the Relationship Between Temporal Bird Song Characteristics and Landsat Data; Physics + Biology Departments
  • Theresa Castro ’21: The Impact of Remote Learning on Students in Low-Income Areas; Education Department