Results for "housing we need initiative"


Come Friday Forums 2024

November 8, 2024
12:30 pm EST - 1:30 pm EST

The Grappone Humanities Institute is so excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the monastic community to our weekly discussions! 

Want to join us on Zoom? Use this link to tune in to each Fall 2024 forum:

Zoom Passcode: 173024

September 13, 2024"Does my major matter?"Dr. Benjamin Horton, Assistant Dean
September 20, 2024"What does science fiction have to teach us?"Professor Derk Wierda, Chemistry Department
September 27, 2024"Can a book ever really be banned?"Professor Christian Gregory, Education Department
October 4, 2024"How old is too old to be president?"

Professor Elizabeth Rickenbach, Psychology Department

Kyla Prussman '25

October 18, 2024"Why is it so much harder to be nice to ourselves than to other people?"

Professor Rong Huang, Economics and Business Department

Kellan Barbee '26

October 25, 2024"Why are we superstitious?"Professor Meoghan Cronin, English and Communication Department
November 1, 2024"Should we have hope or should we embrace hopelessness for our world?"Professor Marc Rugani, Theology Department
November 8, 2024"Do my dreams mean anything?"Professor Chani Marchiselli, English and Communication Department
November 15, 2024"What can scientific models really tell us about reality?"Professor David Guerra, Physics Department
November 22, 2024"Is there such a thing as caring too much?"Professor Christine Gustafson, Politics Department


 campus community gathering together to discuss that week's come friday forum question


Come Friday Forums 2024

November 15, 2024
12:30 pm EST - 1:30 pm EST

The Grappone Humanities Institute is so excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the monastic community to our weekly discussions! 

Want to join us on Zoom? Use this link to tune in to each Fall 2024 forum:

Zoom Passcode: 173024

September 13, 2024"Does my major matter?"Dr. Benjamin Horton, Assistant Dean
September 20, 2024"What does science fiction have to teach us?"Professor Derk Wierda, Chemistry Department
September 27, 2024"Can a book ever really be banned?"Professor Christian Gregory, Education Department
October 4, 2024"How old is too old to be president?"

Professor Elizabeth Rickenbach, Psychology Department

Kyla Prussman '25

October 18, 2024"Why is it so much harder to be nice to ourselves than to other people?"

Professor Rong Huang, Economics and Business Department

Kellan Barbee '26

October 25, 2024"Why are we superstitious?"Professor Meoghan Cronin, English and Communication Department
November 1, 2024"Should we have hope or should we embrace hopelessness for our world?"Professor Marc Rugani, Theology Department
November 8, 2024"Do my dreams mean anything?"Professor Chani Marchiselli, English and Communication Department
November 15, 2024"What can scientific models really tell us about reality?"Professor David Guerra, Physics Department
November 22, 2024"Is there such a thing as caring too much?"Professor Christine Gustafson, Politics Department


 campus community gathering together to discuss that week's come friday forum question


Come Friday Forums 2024

November 22, 2024
12:30 pm EST - 1:30 pm EST

The Grappone Humanities Institute is so excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the monastic community to our weekly discussions! 

Want to join us on Zoom? Use this link to tune in to each Fall 2024 forum:

Zoom Passcode: 173024

September 13, 2024"Does my major matter?"Dr. Benjamin Horton, Assistant Dean
September 20, 2024"What does science fiction have to teach us?"Professor Derk Wierda, Chemistry Department
September 27, 2024"Can a book ever really be banned?"Professor Christian Gregory, Education Department
October 4, 2024"How old is too old to be president?"

Professor Elizabeth Rickenbach, Psychology Department

Kyla Prussman '25

October 18, 2024"Why is it so much harder to be nice to ourselves than to other people?"

Professor Rong Huang, Economics and Business Department

Kellan Barbee '26

October 25, 2024"Why are we superstitious?"Professor Meoghan Cronin, English and Communication Department
November 1, 2024"Should we have hope or should we embrace hopelessness for our world?"Professor Marc Rugani, Theology Department
November 8, 2024"Do my dreams mean anything?"Professor Chani Marchiselli, English and Communication Department
November 15, 2024"What can scientific models really tell us about reality?"Professor David Guerra, Physics Department
November 22, 2024"Is there such a thing as caring too much?"Professor Christine Gustafson, Politics Department


 campus community gathering together to discuss that week's come friday forum question


Career Expo: Education, Psychology, and Human Development

March 20, 2024
3:30 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT

No matter your major or class year, the Education, Psychology, and Human Development Career Expo, brought to you by the Office of Campus Ministry, the Meelia Center for Community Engagement, and the Career Development Center, can put you in touch with a wide variety of organizations.

Whether you are starting to explore possibilities, looking for a career or a summer opportunity, this Career Expo is a great way for you to connect with employers in a more informal setting. We encourage to you ask about openings and career options, while receiving helpful feedback on your application, including your resume.

To make the most of your Career Expo visit, meet in advance with a Career Development Center team member to create or update your resume and discuss your plans. We will have a Career Info Table day of to answer any of your questions, including how to follow-up after the Expo!

Career Fair


Career Expo: Public Service, Law, Nonprofit & Social Impact

October 9, 2024
3:30 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT

No matter your major or class year, the 2024 Public Service, Law, Non Profit, and Social Impact Career Expo brought to you by the Office of Campus Ministry, the Meelia Center for Community Engagement, and the Career Development Center, can put you in touch with a wide variety of organizations.

Whether you are starting to explore possibilities, looking for a career or internship opportunity, this Career Expo is a great way for you to connect with employers in a more informal setting. We encourage to you ask about openings and career options, while receiving helpful feedback on your application, including your resume.

To make the most of your Career Expo visit, meet in advance with a Career Development Center team member to create or update your resume and discuss your plans. We will have a 'Career Info Table' day of to answer any of your questions, including how to follow-up after the Expo!

career fair


Becoming a Nurse Writer: Using Writing to Advance the Profession of Nursing and Accelerate Individual Career Growth

October 27, 2023
8:00 am EDT - 3:00 pm EDT

As we enter a post pandemic healthcare world, never has it been more important for nurses to share their voices. Year after year, nurses have been deemed the most trusted profession by the public, so what we have to say matters. This workshop will explore the ways in which nurses can use writing to not only advance the profession and impact the future of health care but also accelerate their own career growth. Writing can be for the self, as a means of processing challenging clinical experiences (Hello! Pandemic!), writing academically for other nurses and health professionals, or writing for the general public with blogs or news articles. Topics include: Idea generation, writing for journals and getting published, and sharing your voice with the public through blogs and articles.


Multiple speakers

Nursing contact hours- 5

Cost $99

Typing on a laptop


The Good Life at Stake: Democracy vs. Authoritarianism

April 4, 2025
3:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT

Join us on Friday, April 4th for a discussion on Democracy vs. Authoritarianism. Global politics is increasingly depicted as a struggle between democracy and authoritarianism. Meanwhile, in America, democracy is being dragged into destructive partisan political battles. Professor Thomson from Arizona State University will discuss what is at stake when we discuss democracy and authoritarianism today, and what we as citizens can expect from American democracy.

About the speaker:

Dr. Henry Thomson is a political economist and Associate Professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University. Originally from New Zealand, he studied Political Science, Economics, International Relations and German literature at Wellington, Tübingen, Berlin and Minnesota. Before joining ASU he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. His research focuses on economic development, authoritarian regimes and democracy

Free and open to the public.

Register here →

Henry Thomson