Results for "housing we need initiative"


L.A. Dance Presents: A Million Dreams

May 19, 2024
2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT

L.A. Dance proudly presents “A Million Dreams”. Encouraging our students to follow their wildest
dreams and reach for the stars was the inspiration for this show. We want all of our students to
think big and achieve their goals! Get ready to see a dance recital filled with inspiring songs
about chasing your dreams and reaching for new heights! Thank you to all of you for making our
dreams come true! We cannot wait for you to see the show!


New Hampshire Institute of Politics to Host Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize–winning book critic and author

The New Hampshire Institute of Politics will host Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize–winning book critic and author of “What Were We Thinking: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era” on April 26 at 7 p.m. via ZOOM.

Carlos Lozada book cover


Book Group Discussion of "Year of Wonders"

All members of the SAC Community are invited to attend a book group discussion of "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks. We will be meeting in the Library Classroom (upper level of Geisel) at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2024


Book cover of Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks

"When an infected bolt of cloth carries plague from London to an isolated village, a housemaid named Anna Frith emerges as an unlikely heroine and healer. Through Anna's eyes we follow the story of the fateful year of 1666, as she and her fellow villagers confront the spread of disease and superstition" (

Copies of the book are available for you to borrow at the Circulation Desk.

For more information, visit our Book Group webpage.

year of wonders book jacket


Bookmark Series: “First Friends”

Author Gary Ginsberg came to the New Hampshire Institute of Politics last Wednesday evening November 10th, to share some thoughts and answer questions about his novel First Friends, where he delved into the friendships of nine U.S. presidents. 

Gary Ginsberg and Neil Levesque