Results for "housing we need initiative"


Saint Anselm fulfills promise to Class of 2020

On Sunday, May 16, 330 members of Saint Anselm College’s Class of 2020 returned to the Hilltop for a long-awaited celebration of their graduation. the festivities fulfilled a promise made by the college’s president, Dr. Joseph A. Favazza, that commencement would be celebrated in person when the coronavirus has subsided to the point where a large gathering would be possible.

The class of 2020 listens to a speech

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Cost of Attendance

The cost to attend Saint Anselm College is made up of both direct and indirect costs. Direct Costs will appear directly on a tuition bill. Indirect Costs will not appear on a tuition bill, but are costs a student will likely incur. 

Front facade of a large campus building (Alumni Hall) with a cupola

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Learning Opportunities

Our department offers three major programs and five minor programs. In addition, Chinese students have the option to complete an Asian Studies minor that is housed in the History Department. Our major and minor programs help students develop linguistic skills and cultural enrichment through an emphasis on language proficiency and intercultural communication and understanding.



Service and Solidarity turns Virtual for Winter Break Alternative

Despite the restrictions of a pandemic world, Campus Ministry held a virtual Service and Solidarity program this past winter break as part of its annual selection of Winter Break Alternative (WBA). Twenty-six students participated in four different experiences.

Students participate in the virtual Service & Solidarity experience

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Ethics and Spirituality: A Wisdom Lecture Series

Ethics is often discussed in terms of fixed rules and principles, but it can also be understood as a set of guidelines for growth and self-transformation. In this lecture series offered by the Center for Ethics in Society, we explore some of these guidelines as offered by the world’s great spiritual traditions. Whether we understand spirituality as deepening of our relationship with the divine, growing our compassion for one another, or simply as an awakening of our innermost potential, we can learn from those teachers who have walked the path before us.

Sun setting on the ocean

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Come Friday Forum

Each Friday, during the college common hour from 12:30-1:20 p.m., the Humanities Institute hosts an open, informal discussion led by a member of the Saint Anselm faculty, staff or monastic community. This forum invites people from all parts of campus to come together with others who are willing to open their lunch bag and their mind to a question about our humanity. So, come Friday, pack a lunch and join the human conversation in the LaMalfa-Kelly Common Room of the Grappone Humanities Institute. A Zoom Link will be provided weekly for those wishing to take part remotely.

 campus community gathering together to discuss that week's come friday forum question