Results for "housing we need initiative"

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Health & Wellness

College Health Services, located in the bottom floor of the Roger and Francine Jean Student Center, provides a wide range of confidential medical, health, and counseling services to resident and non-resident students. Our skilled professional staff of medical clinicians and counselors is committed to wellness and prevention with emphasis on treating the whole person. 


2022: A Year in Review

As we enter the New Year, Saint Anselm College reflects on a year full of celebration, innovation, and community. Here are some highlights from 2022 that we cherish.

Alumni Hall


From the President | Spring/Summer 2022

Since the last issue of Portraits, we launched several new majors and minors, announced an innovative student leadership program, unveiled an outstanding study-abroad opportunity in Italy, and we are breaking ground on the Gregory J. Grappone ’04 Humanities Institute. 

President Favazza at his desk


Karoline Leavitt Speaks with Students at NHIOP

The West Wing of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College was filled with students gathered to hear from alumna and former Republican congressional candidate in CD-1, Karoline Leavitt.

NHIOP student ambassadors gather around Karoline Leavitt