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Minor in Greek
The Classics Department awards a minor for advanced studies in Greek to full-time, degree-candidate students not majoring in Classics.
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The Classics Department awards a minor for advanced studies in Greek to full-time, degree-candidate students not majoring in Classics.
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The Classics Department awards a minor for advanced studies in Latin to full-time, degree-candidate students not majoring in Classics.
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The Department offers a minor in Classical Archaeology to full-time, degree-candidate students not majoring in Classical Archaeology.
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Keep checking this page for profiles of Classics and Classical Archaeology alumni, but for now we give you famous students of Classics who did not attend Saint Anselm College.
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For six weeks in May and June students dig in Roman bath complexes, and Etruscan shrines. The Department runs an excavation outside of Orvieto, Italy at Coriglia. This site date from 1000 BCE to 1400 CE and give material from Greek, Etruscan, Roman as well as medieval and renaissance Italian cultures. As part of this excavation, the Department runs a Field School.
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The Classics Society is open to all students who express an interest in Greek or Roman culture. The Society's mission is to offer its members an opportunity to learn more about Classical Civilization and the Classical Tradition through lectures, films, colloquia, museum trips and social events including a banquet featuring authentic Roman cuisine and entertainment. In addition to these offerings, the Classics Society organizes and sponsors the campus wide intramural QUIZ BOWL competition.
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Members of the Classics Department have been excavating at Coriglia near Orvieto in Central Italy since 2006.
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Studying History or American Studies can lead to a wide variety of careers because these majors cultivate the skills that employers value: the ability to think critically, communicate cogently, synthesize information coherently, and research effectively. See some of the careers our graduates have pursued on our Alumni page and how to prepare for those careers on our Careers page.