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Why Study Forensic Science?

The major was designed for the flexibility of students to specialize in an area of their choosing. Students may also minor in forensics, if they are more interested in the criminal justice aspects of the subject but would like to know more about the scientific analyses carried out. Many of our forensics majors also double major or minor in criminal justice. 


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Learning Opportunities

Chemistry is by its nature interdisciplinary, drawing on both mathematics and physics to understand basic principles and helping to inform the understanding of structure and reactivity in biological systems. As such, in addition to chemistry, students demonstrate competency in calculus, physics, and biochemistry.  Students major in chemistry have the option to have an ACS certified degree as well as attain a secondary education certification. 


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Community Outreach Projects

The faculty and students at Saint Anselm College are particularly involved in the community, both on and off campus. Our Chemistry Club is involved with our entire department and provides a welcoming sense of community to our majors as well as carries out service to the community. Additionally, faculty in the department are involved in Alpha Phi Omega, the Diocese of Manchester Diocesan School Board, and Science Olympiad.


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Fulfill Core Requirements

Classics courses are very diverse because of the multi-disciplinary nature of our studies. Courses in Classics touch on language, art and architecture, culture, history, social science, and a host of other topics.  They look into every aspect of the Greek and Roman world and beyond.  Indeed many other disciplines look to the Classics of Greece and Rome for inspiration and a source of ideas.  As such, Classics courses are a perfect way to fulfill College Core requirements.

roman sculptures

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Academic Program

The Major in Classics focuses on mastering the classical languages and thereby engaging ancient literary works directly.  The close attention given to Greek and Latin texts develops in the Classics major an ability to think critically, examine and weigh words carefully, and communicate effectively.  Our graduates often pursue advanced degrees in Classics, Ancient History or Archaeology, some go on to related fields in the liberal arts, or attend professional schools in law or medicine.

roman sculptures

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Major in Classics

Classics is the perfect undergraduate major. Studying the Greek and Roman classics puts one in touch with some of the greatest productions of humankind that transcend the civilizations that produced them. If your interest is literary, historical, art historical, philosophic, legal or linguistic there is something in them for you. They touch upon every aspect of human existence.

Sappho fresco

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Major in Classical Archaeology

Seeks to put students in contact with the material cultures of Greece and Rome and peoples closely associated with them. Tools will be provided to reconstruct the ancient life-ways of these peoples as well as skill development in the interpretation of ancient social, political, and economic systems.

students excavating