17th Annual Sr. Pauline Relay for Life
April 5, 2024
6:00 pm EDT - 11:59 pm EDT
In conjunction with the American Cancer Society, the Service Societies of Saint Anselm will be hosting its 17th annual Sr. Pauline Relay for Life. Sr. Pauline Lucier served Saint Anselm students for many years as a member of the Campus Ministry Office while she fought her battle against cancer. Sr. Pauline lost her struggle in April of 2009, shortly after the second Relay concluded. It is our intention that her memory and her celebration of life live on through Relay for Life at Saint Anselm.
The Opening Ceremony and celebration begins shortly after 6:00 pm in the Carr Center. All are welcome to attend.
For more information about our Relay, please feel free to check us out on the web: https://secure.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY22NER?pg=entry&fr_id=101852