Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2025
Honors Convocation and Baccalaureate Mass
Friday, May 16, 3:00 p.m.
- Abbot Isaac and the Benedictine monks will celebrate the Baccalaureate Mass to thank God for his many blessings during your time at Saint Anselm College.
- These events will take place on the College Quadrangle with rain location in the Thomas F. Sullivan Arena.
Saint Anselm College’s 3rd Graduate Hooding Ceremonies
Saturday, May 17, 8:00 a.m.
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice Hooding Ceremony will take place on the College Green with rain location in the Dana Center for the Performing Arts, room 1D.
- Master of Education (M.Ed.) Hooding Ceremony will take place in the President’s Dining Room in Davison Hall.
Saint Anselm College’s 132nd Commencement Exercises
Saturday, May 17, 10:00 a.m.
- This event will take place on the College Quadrangle with rain location in the Thomas F. Sullivan Arena.

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Dear Parents and Families,
As Saint Anselm College approaches its 132nd Commencement on Saturday, May 17, 2025, it is my sincere hope that it will be a memorable time for your family. With this letter, I offer you a personal invitation to attend the Senior Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate Mass, the Commencement Exercises, and the events surrounding them.
On Friday, May 16th at 3:00 p.m. on the College Quadrangle, the Senior Honors Convocation will recognize the academic achievement of individual members of the undergraduate graduating class. Immediately following the Honors Convocation, Abbot Isaac and the Benedictine monks will concelebrate the Baccalaureate Mass. You are cordially invited to participate in this Mass with us to thank God for his many blessings during your student’s time at Saint Anselm College. In the event of inclement weather, the Senior Honors Convocation and Baccalaureate Mass will be held in the Thomas F. Sullivan Arena with admission of family members and guests by ticket only. The College will also provide, on a first-come, first served basis, access to closed-circuit viewing of these events at several locations on campus.
On Saturday, May 17th, Commencement Exercises will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Weather permitting, these Commencement Exercises will take place outside on the College Quadrangle. In the event of inclement weather, the Exercises will be held in the Thomas F. Sullivan Arena with admission of family members and guests by ticket only. We ask that graduates go to the Registrar’s Office with their College ID starting on Thursday, May 1st, to receive three tickets. The College will also provide, on a first-come, first-served basis, access to closed-circuit viewing of the Commencement Exercises at several locations on campus.
You will find additional information on this webpage. We look forward to celebrating these happy events with you.
All the best,
Mark W. Cronin, Ph.D.
Academic Dean and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
In the event of inclement weather, the College will hold the Senior Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate Mass, and Commencement Exercises in the Thomas F. Sullivan Arena, with admission by ticket only. To those with proper college identification, the Registrar's Office will issue three tickets starting on Thursday, May 1. The College will also provide, on a first-come, first served basis, access to closed-circuit viewing of these events at several locations on campus. Tickets are not required if we are able to hold events outside and we do not restrict the number of guests for outside events.
For those with accessibility concerns who may require handicapped parking, please request a parking pass by emailing
Upon arrival at the campus you will be directed to the appropriate area for drop-off by the Quad prior to parking. Handicapped parking is available in the Visitor Parking Lot across from the Church. Vehicles without an official handicap placard or license plate will need a college parking pass that can be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard of your automobile.
Handicap parking is not guaranteed. Arrive as early as possible to secure parking as it is available on a first come basis. In most cases, you will be able to drop the guest off at the Quad and then proceed to regular parking. Please be aware that the ground may be uneven in areas and you may need to provide walking assistance to your family member. Golf carts will be available in the area to transport guests.
Handicap seating will be signed on the aisle perimeters to accommodate easy access for wheelchairs, walkers and family members but it is not mandatory that you sit in those areas. Seating is available on a first come basis. If seating is not clearly visible, please ask a college representative for assistance.
Handicap restrooms are located in several buildings nearby the Quad in the Goulet Science Building, Joseph Hall, Roger and Francine Jean Student Center, the Coffee Shop, and the lower level of the Church (accessible by elevator).
Honors Convocation and Commencement will have American Sign Language interpreters. We encourage families to contact the Registrar's Office if you require this accommodation.
Seniors Honors Convocation and Baccalaureate Mass will be simulcast in the following locations on campus: Goulet Science Center's Perini Lecture Hall, and the Roger and Francine Jean Student Center's Melucci Theater. In the case on inclement weather, it will also be simulcast in The Dana Center's Koonz Theatre.
Commencement Exercises will be simulcast in the following locations on campus: Coffee Shop, Goulet Science Center's Perini Lecture Hall, The Dana Center's Koonz Theatre, and the Roger and Francine Jean Student Center Melucci Theater.
Live online video will be provided of the commencement ceremony for those unable to join us on campus.
The Bookstore will be hosting the Grad Fair on March 11 & 12 from 10am to 3pm.
Balfour will be available for students to order their graduation regalia. Jostens will send a mailing for class rings and will also be available for class rings and diploma frames.
• The Campus Bookstore:
Friday, May 16 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
• The Coffee Shop and Gallo Café:
Friday Gallo Café - Closed
C-Shop 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Saturday Gallo Café 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C-Shop 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Senior Honors Convocation
Senior Honors Convocation is an undergraduate student event in which graduating students, faculty, and members of the monastic community participate. Academic Awards are conferred and students inducted into honor societies are recognized. The President also announces the awards to the Summa Cum Laude graduates. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. Honors Convocation is typically just under an hour long.
Baccalaureate Mass
Immediately following the Senior Honors Convocation, Abbot Isaac and the Benedictine monks concelebrate the Baccalaureate Mass. There is just a brief musical interlude between events. Family and friends are invited to participate in this Mass with us to thank God for his many blessings during your student’s time at Saint Anselm College. There is a reception with light refreshments for families and guests as well as faculty and staff of the College immediately following the Mass.
For families looking to make plans for after the Commencement Exercises, please note that the ceremony is typically just over two hours long. After students process out of the event, they will need to pick up their diploma from the Carr Center.
Who Can I Contact?
For questions regarding Honors Convocation, Commencement and scheduling, please contact the Academic Dean’s Office.
For ticketing information, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
For accessibility accommodations and parking, please contact Campus Safety and Security.
All other questions are best directed to the Academic Dean’s Office.
Student Information
Friday - May 16, 2025
Brunch and Champagne Toast
Hosted by the Alumni Association and Anselmian Council.
If you have questions, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations:
3:00 P.M. COLLEGE QUADRANGLE (weather permitting, rain location Thomas F. Sullivan Arena)
All members of the graduating class will assemble at 2:30 p.m. in the Carr Center. If the weather is inclement, graduands will assemble in Thomas F. Sullivan Arena using the rear entrance that is located across from the Grappone Stadium.
The cap and gown are worn for the convocation. The hood is not worn on this occasion. Honor society cords, medals, medallions or other paraphernalia are not to be worn. The procession to the College Quadrangle (or within Thomas F. Sullivan Area) will begin at 2:50 p.m.
Immediately following the Honors Convocation, the Baccalaureate Mass will be celebrated on the College Quadrangle (weather permitting, rain location Thomas F. Sullivan Arena). Parents and guests are cordially invited to attend both the Convocation and the Mass.
Graduands, parents, guests, faculty and staff are invited to attend a reception. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday – May 17, 2025
The list of names of graduands and their places in the line of march will be emailed to you and posted in the Carr Center. It is the responsibility of the graduands to note their rows and their places in the rows. Graduands wear cap, gown and hood. Check out this video for a tutorial on how to put on your hood. Honor society cords, medals, medallions or other paraphernalia are not to be worn.
9:00 a.m.
Graduands will assemble in the Carr Center. The presentation of diplomas will require that the graduands be arranged in a strictly alphabetical order. An administrator will be available to establish the order of march and to verify that everyone is properly attired in cap, gown and hood, and in the proper place. If the weather is inclement, graduands will assemble in Sullivan Arena using the rear entrance that is located across from the Grappone Stadium.
9:50 a.m.
The Commencement Exercises will begin at 9:50 a.m. with the procession to the platform area. Marshals will escort the graduands to the seats reserved near the front of the stage. There are two moves that assure the success of the graduation ceremony:
- each graduand moves into the row designated by the marshal;
- each chair in each row is filled.
Following the Commencement Address, marshals will guide the graduands, row by row, to a station near the platform. As each name is announced, the graduand comes forward be recognized by the President of the College and returns to the designated chair. Marshals will guide the graduands throughout the process
Post- Commencement Exercises
After the recessional, students may proceed to the Carr Center to pick up their physical diploma.
Saturday – May 17, 2025
8:00 A.M. - 9:00A.M. CAMPUS GREEN (weather permitting, rain location Dana Humanities Center 1D)
Students should wear or have their caps and gowns. RSVPs will be required and the Criminal Justice department will communicate regarding ticketing information should the event have to be moved indoors. Light refreshments will be served.
Students should wear or have their caps and gowns. Light refreshments will be served.
The list of names of graduands and their places in the line of march will be emailed to you and posted in the Carr Center. It is the responsibility of the graduands to note their rows and their places in the rows. Graduands wear cap, gown and hood. Check out this video for a tutorial on how to put on your hood. Honor society cords, medals, medallions or other paraphernalia are not to be worn.
9:00 a.m.
Graduands will assemble in the Carr Center. The presentation of diplomas will require that the graduands be arranged in a strictly alphabetical order. An administrator will be available to establish the order of march and to verify that everyone is properly attired in cap, gown and hood, and in the proper place. If the weather is inclement, graduands will assemble in Sullivan Arena using the rear entrance that is located across from the Grappone Stadium.
9:50 a.m.
The Commencement Exercises will begin at 9:50 a.m. with the procession to the platform area. Marshals will escort the graduands to the seats reserved near the front of the stage. There are two moves that assure the success of the graduation ceremony:
- each graduand moves into the row designated by the marshal;
- each chair in each row is filled.
Following the Commencement Address, marshals will guide the graduands, row by row, to a station near the platform. As each name is announced, the graduand comes forward be recognized by the President of the College and returns to the designated chair. Marshals will guide the graduands throughout the process.
Post-Commencement Exercises
After the recessional, students may proceed to the Carr Center to pick up their physical diploma.
If you will be commissioning into military service after graduation, we ask that you inform the Academic Dean’s Office so that we can make an acknowledgement as part of the graduation ceremony.
Please check back for the "Line of March" information in the days just prior to Commencement.