The Kevin B. Harrington Student Ambassador Program is a unique opportunity for Saint Anselm College students of any major to be involved in supporting the Institute's various events and activities.

Ambassadors are highly motivated, dedicated students who work closely with the New Hampshire Institute of Politics (NHIOP) staff on public programming and civic engagement work. They assist in event promotion, welcome guests and VIPs, and serve as greeters and ushers. In addition, the non-partisan student ambassadors often moderate question and answer periods, facilitate book signings, and lead other post-event activities.

As speakers and candidates visit the Institute, student ambassadors often get special opportunities to meet guests behind the scenes. During election cycles, ambassadors have been able to serve as stand-ins on local and national debate sets and assist media outlets in covering the first-in-the-nation primary.

Student Leadership

NHIOP Ambassadors
Front row: Lauren Blois ‘26, Georgia Milne ’26, Ellie Duffin ‘25, Rosabella Daraoui ‘25, Maya Pontes’26  Back row: Conor Beswick ’26, Beau Manzi ’27, Kellan Barbee ’26, Mario Ventresca ’25, Harry Murphy ’26, Jaime Woodaman ‘25

Ellie Duffin is a senior Politics major with a Spanish minor from Braintree, Mass. A fun fact about Ellie is that she studied abroad in Granada, Spain last summer. Her favorite part about NIHOP is the opportunity to learn new perspectives through meeting and networking with political officials and fellow Saint Anselm Students.  

Kellan Barbee is a junior Politics major with a English minor from Manchester, N.H. His favorite part of being an ambassador is interacting with and learning from national and local politicians, journalists, and community members. 

New Hampshire Primary Season Student Involvement